February Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
February 11th, 2025 starting at 7:30 p.m. (Tuesday)
Topic: Members share their 2024 photo images
John Maunder has once again been kind enough to put a selection of our 2024 photo images together for presentation.
Karen Herzberg will be sending out a ZOOM link a few days before our meeting.
A reminder. If you are uncertain about linking for our Zoom meeting, please connect 10-15 minutes before the start of the meeting in case of a problem.
Hope you can join our meeting!
Notice to All Wildflower Members
There will be NO Wildflower of NL Zoom Meeting in January month 2025.
For our February 11th, 2025 meeting John Maunder will be putting together a collection of wildflower images by members from the previous season/or seasons.
Please see John's reminder notice below and try to submit your images as soon as possible!
Have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !!!
Wildflower Society of NL Executive
WFS "End of Season SlideShow - 2024"
Call for Submissions
To the WFS membership, from John Maunder:
Again, this year I will be attempting to put together a VIRTUAL (i.e. "Zoom") end-of-season "Member's Slide Show".
It is our yearly opportunity to share what we did, or saw, botanically, during the preceding season (or seasons).
But, as always, we NEED YOUR PHOTOS!
So, please, don't be shy! ...
While photos should be more-or-less "presentable", they don't need to be of "professional quality"! ... [Note that I can usually tweak them a bit, if necessary].
So ... Get rummaging through your hard drives, and send me your favourite and/or most interesting, images, and associated stories.
"The Rules" are essentially the same as they have been in the past.
1. Up to FIFTEEN-ish photos per person No categories. No dates. No geographical restrictions (they don't have to be from Newfoundland and Labrador).
2. The focus of submitted photos should, however, be botanical.
3. A brief description of each image, describing "where, when, and what (if you know)", will add value to your submissions.
4. Please note that by keeping the number of photos, per person, down to fifteen-ish, I hope that the show will be less tiring, and much more enjoyable.
5. Nevertheless, if required, in order to either augment or streamline the presentation, I will reserve the right to edit the total number of photos.
6. As for photo size, please send full-sized images ... I will make any needed adjustments when I receive your photos (but, please try to keep the total size of any single e-mail post down to about 15 MB, so that you will not "break" my mail system)
7. Note that, at the very latest, your contributions should be received by the end of January ... But, the earlier, the better.
8. Please send all of your photo contributions to me (John Maunder), by [1] e-mail to John (jem@nl.rogers.com) [use attachments, or remote server links (i.e. WeTransfer, DropBox, etc.)]; or [2] "snail-mail me a thumb drive or a CD/DVD (to "John Maunder, P. O. Box 250, Pouch Cove, NL A0A 3L0") ... when the current mail strike is over!
Don't delay. The New Year will soon be upon us!
Looking forward to seeing your images.
Your humble compiler.
Email: jem@nl.rogers.com
December Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
December 10th, 2024
Starting time: 7:30 p.m.
Speakers: Michael Burzynski and Anne Marceau
Title: Rota Vicentina: A Walk Along the Coast of Southern Portugal
"The Rota Vicentina is a system of beautiful walking trails that traverse 265 kilometres of the coast of Portugal, south of Lisbon. The trails explore towering cliffs, broad sand beaches, pine forest, country roads, and dunes. We visited when spring wildflowers were in full bloom and Storks were returning to their traditional nesting sites. Please join us as we explore the beauty of spring along the coast of southern Portugal."
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to "join" the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with "Zoom", or who have difficulties connecting,
should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m. This will hopefully give Karen time
to sort out any problems arising before the scheduled start of the meeting.
November Wildflower Zoom Meeting
November 12th, 2024 (Tuesday) starting at 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Sue Meades
"Recolonization progress at Burnt Cape"
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to "join" the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with "Zoom", or who have difficulties connecting,
should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m. This will hopefully give Karen time
to sort out any problems arising before the scheduled start of the meeting
Bill looking toward Raleigh
The Time for the Tree Walk has been changed from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Fall Tree Walk at Bowring Park
October 5th, 2024 (Saturday) at 10:00 a.m.
Leader: Todd Boland
Meeting place: We will gather at the east end of the west end parking lot
(at the end of the parking lot closest to the Waterford Hospital, same meeting spot as last year)
Hope you can make it!
Notice of Wildflower Society of NL October Zoom Meeting
Date: October 8th, 2024 starting at 7:30 pm.
Speaker: Matt Levesque
Topic: "Wildflower Photos - 2024. A Year In Review!"
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to "join" the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with "Zoom", or who have difficulties connecting,
should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m. This will hopefully give Karen time
to sort out any problems arising before the scheduled start of the meeting.
Diapensia lapponica
Comarum palustre
Mertensia maritima
Due To Weather
NEW DATE: Wednesday, August 28th
Upper Rennies River Wildflower Society Walk
(a short walk)
Starting time: 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 28th, 2024.
Notice of Upper Rennies River Wildflower Society Walk
(a short walk)
Starting time: 10:00 a.m. Tuesday August 27th, 2024.
Leader: Howard Clase
Meeting place: The parking lot behind Rennies River Elementary School, St. John's.
How to get there: From Elizabeth Avenue, turn off towards Strawberry Marsh Road, and then quickly veer onto Smithville Crescent. Almost immediately, turn right into the parking area and park on the right hand side, behind the school.
The section of trail from Elizabeth Avenue to Long Pond has a number of different habits from riverside to woodland. It supports a fairly large number of plant species including at least four that are uncommon.
Wildflower Society of NL Walk
to see the Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
Meeting time: Saturday August 10th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Parking: At the end of Harbour View Avenue, St. John's (turn off Torbay Road at City Tire and Auto)
Walk leaders: Howard Clase & Carmel Conway
If the weather is inclement, the walk will be deferred until Monday, August 12th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Hope to see you there!
Wildflower Society Tree Walk in Bowring Park
Sunday, June 16th, 2024 (Father's Day)
Leader: Todd Boland
Start time: 10 a.m.
Meeting place: We will gather at the east end of the west end parking lot (at the end of the parking lot closest to the Waterford Hospital, same meeting spot as last year).
Hope to see you there!
Wildflower Society Geo Centre Chuckley-Pear Walk
Sunday, June 9th, 2024 starting at: 10 a.m.
Meet: Parking lot at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, St. John's
Leading walk: Glen Ryan with John Maunder
Please make sure to check your e-mail before heading out in case there is a cancellation due to foul weather.
A hand magnifying glass would be helpful.
Notice of May Zoom Meeting
Wildflower Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, at 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Todd Boland
Exploring the Patagonia Steppe - Part 2
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to "join" the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with "Zoom", or who have difficulties connecting,
should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m. This will hopefully give Karen time
to sort out any problems arising before the scheduled start of the meeting.
Notice of the April Wildflower Society of NL Zoom Meeting
April 9th, 2024 (Tuesday) starting at 7:30 p.m.
Speakers: Michael Burzynski & Anne Marceau
Topic: "Plants and Landscapes of the Limestone Barrens of Newfoundland and Labrador"
[see images, below]
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to "join" the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with "Zoom", or who have difficulties connecting,
should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m. This will hopefully give Karen time
to sort out any problems arising before the scheduled start of the meeting.
March Wildflower Society of NL "Zoom Meeting"
March 12th, 2024 (Tuesday): 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: Spring Wildflowers of Patagonia Part 1: The Alpines and Woodlanders
[see some images from Todd below this notice]
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to "join" the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with "Zoom", or who have difficulties connecting,
should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m. This will hopefully give Karen time
to sort out any problems arising before the scheduled start of the meeting.
February Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
February 13, 2024, (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m.
“Members Slide Show - 2023”
Alpine Azalea (Kalmia procumbens) - Cape Onion - Michael Burzynski
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for our meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to join the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with Zoom,
or who have difficulties connecting, should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m.
We would like to remind members that there is NO December Zoom Wildflower Meeting
However ...
Here is an advanced notice of the January 9th, 2024 Zoom Wildflower Meeting (Tuesday evening)
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Wildflower member, Matt Levesque
Title of the presentation: "Exploring the floral beauty of Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula"
[Among many other things, Matt will touch more on the "Newfoundland white ragged fringed-orchid" during the slideshow!]
We encourage all members to join the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with Zoom,
or who have difficulties connecting, should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m.
This will hopefully give Karen time to sort out any problems arising, before the scheduled start of the meeting.
Notice of the November Zoom Meeting
Wildflower Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Date: November 14, 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Wilf Nicholls. Former Director of the MUN Botanical Garden.
Topic: “Georgia (USA): a little history, a little botany, a little horticulture”
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for our meeting a day or two ahead of time.
We encourage all members to join the meeting a few minutes early so that we can start promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Special note: Any members who are unfamiliar with Zoom,
or who have difficulties connecting, should attempt to join the meeting by 7:00 or 7:15 p.m.
This will hopefully give Karen time to sort out any problems arising, before the scheduled start of the meeting.
Wildflower Society of NL October Zoom Meeting
Date: October 17th, 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Meghan McCarthy, Assistant Horticulturist, MUN Botanical Garden
"Native plants and wildflowers of Vancouver Island and Garry Oak Ecosystems"
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for our meeting a day or two before. We remind any member who might be unfamiliar with zoom or have difficulty connecting to please try and connect at 7:15 p.m. giving Karen time to sort out any problem before the start of the meeting.
We encourage all members to join the meeting a few minutes before so as to enable us to start at 7:30 p.m.
Satin Flower
Garry Oak rockface
Fall Tree Walk at Bowring Park
Saturday, September 30th, starting at 2:00 p.m.
Leader: Todd Boland
Meeting place: We will gather at the east end of the west end parking lot (at the end of the parking lot closest to the Waterford Hospital, same meeting spot as last year)
Hope you can make it!
September 23 (Saturday) Wildflower Walk
starting time: 10:30 a.m.
Informal leaders: Karen Herzberg & Carmel Conway
We will be walking a well maintained trail in the Stavanger Road Area.
Meeting Place: Parking Lot of the new Ren's Pet Store
56 Aberdeen Avenue
(the store was the former Pier 1 Imports)
Please note if inclement weather, we will be walking the same time the next day. Before heading out for the walk, please check your e-mail for cancellation if the weather looks forboding.
Please look below for membership message.
Hope to see you there!
Karen & Carm
"Our Concrete Gardens: The Surprising Sidewalk Botany of Downtown St. John's"
John Maunder will be leading an informal, easy-going, wildflower ramble, mainly on Duckworth Street.
Date: Saturday, August 19th at 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Place: Duckworth Street, at the War Memorial.
Bring a hand-lens. Some of the sidewalk plants are quite small!
Parking should be free, but check your particular parking spot.
(Please check your e-mail before heading out in case the ramble has been cancelled due to foul weather.
At this date, the prediction is for just "a mainly cloudy day". Bring a rain jacket if you are unsure.)
Lepidium didymum [= Coronopus didymus] - Lesser Swinecress - [NF] [i]
Wildflower Walk around Branscombe's Pond Trail
Karen Herzberg & Carmel Conway will be leading an informal walk
Friday, August 11th at 9:30 a.m.
Meeting Place: The entrance to the walking trail on Goldeneye Place, Mt. Pearl (... look for the crosswalk)
[turn off Topsail Road - onto Goldeneye Place - opposite the "Mary Queen of the World" church/school complex]
(Please be careful not to block any driveways.)
(Please, also, check your e-mail before heading out in case the walk has been cancelled due to foul weather.
And pack a raincoat in case of a shower.)
Wildflower Society Geo Centre Chuckley-Pear Walk
Saturday, June 24th, 2023 starting at: 10:30 a.m.
Meet: Parking lot at the Geo Centre, Signal Hill, St. John's
Leading walk: Glen Ryan with John Maunder
Please make sure to check your e-mail before heading out in case there is a cancellation due to foul weather.
A hand magnifying glass would be helpful.
Image from Heather Saunders
Participants on the Chuckley Pear walk, thanks to Glen and John for a great walk
May Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
May 9th, 2023 (Tuesday) at 7:30 p.m.
Speakers: Michael Burzynski & Anne Marceau
Title: "Wildflowers of the Galapagos"
Michael and Anne will present a photograph-illustrated talk about the wildflowers, scenery, and wildlife of the Galapagos Archipelago. This Pacific island chain, 800 km off the coast of South America, is famous for its peculiar land animals and their importance to Charles Darwin’s understanding of natural selection and evolution, but the plant life, marine life, and geology of these islands are equally fascinating. Join us and explore the Galapagos.
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two before.
We remind any members who might be unfamiliar with zoom or have difficulty connecting to please try and connect at 7: 15 p.m. giving Karen time to try and sort out any problem before the start of our our meeting.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
April Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
April 11th, 2023 (Tuesday) at 7:30 p.m.
Speakers: Luise Hermanutz & David Innis
Title: "Hunting for Desert Wildflowers, and more!"
Desert Lily (Hesperocallis undulata)
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two before.
Should you be unfamiliar with Zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
See you at the meeting!
March Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
March 14th, 2023, (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Sue Meades
“Wildflowers of Ireland”
Areas included in Sue's talk will be:
The Burren, Galway and Connemara, Ballyshannon and Cavangarden,
The Giant’s Causeway and The Dark Hedges
Umbilicaria rupestris (Navelwort), growing on a rock wall
A portion of The Burren (Ireland’s "limestone barrens")
Gymnadenia densiflora (Marsh Fragrant Orchid)
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two before.
Should you be unfamiliar with Zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
See you at the meeting!
Important Notice:
Please be advised that Dr. Wilf Nicholls' February talk
"Georgia on my mind: Some History, Horticulture and Botany - 1700s to present"
has been postponed.
In its place the following talk will be presented
February Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
February 21st, 2023, 7:30 p.m. (Tuesday)
Speakers: Michael Burzynski & Anne Marceau
Topic: "Wildflowers of Chile, a botanical travelogue from the Atacama Desert in the north to the Andes Mountains in Patagonia in the south"
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link for the meeting a day or two before.
Should you be unfamiliar with Zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
January Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
January 17th, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. (Tuesday)
Topic: Members share their images from 2022
John Maunder has once again been kind enough to put our images together for presentation.
Karen Herzberg will be sending out the link a few days before our meeting. A reminder, if you are uncertain about linking for a zoom meeting, please connect 10-15 minutes before start of meeting in case of a problem.
Image: Clyde Thornhill in action on the Geo Centre Trail during our
chuckley-pear walk.
December Wildflower Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, December 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Speakers: Carissa Brown & Heather Baehre,
from the Department of Geography, Memorial University
Topic: "The Secret of Diapensia & the Newfoundland Barrens
Diapensia laponica by Gene Herzberg
November Wildflower Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, November 8th at 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: Alpines of the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar with Zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
Fall Tree Walk at Bowring Park
Saturday, October 22nd, at 2:00 pm
Leader: Todd Boland
Meeting place: We will gather at the east end of the west end parking lot (the end of the parking lot closest to the Waterford Hospital).
Please wear a rain-jacket just in case of showers.
October Wildflower Zoom Meeting
October 18th, 2022, (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Anne Madden
Topic: Camping with Wildflowers at Butterpot Provincial Park.
Anne will be focusing on three to four areas of the park that are her favorite spots to visit and explore.
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar with zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
Notice of May Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
May 10th, 2022 (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m. NL time
Speaker: Sue Meades
" Flora of the Churchill River Valley pre-hydro development"
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar with zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
Aerial Images of the Churchill River Valley from Sue Meades
Notice of April Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
April 12th, 2022 (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m. NL time
Guest Speakers: Anne Marceau & Michael Burzynski
" Exploring the Wildflowers, Landscape, and Ecology of Greece"
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar with zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
Notice March Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
March 8th (Tuesday) Wildflower Society Zoom Meeting
Start time: 7:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Claudia Hanel
"In Dire Straits? Wildflowers in a little corner of the Big Land".
Claudia's talk will be about the area from the Quebec Labrador Border to just past Red Bay, including Belle Isle and around the Point Amour Lighthouse.
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar with zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting a few minutes before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
Date: February 8th (Tuesday), 7:30 p.m
Topic: "Landscapes and Wildflowers of Northern Labrador"
Speakers: Michael Burzynski & Anne Marceau
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar with zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting after 7:15 pm.
Please join the meeting before 7:30, to enable us to start the meeting on time.
Wildflower Society of Newfoundland and Labrador - January 2022 Meeting:
Date: January 18th, 2022 (Tuesday) at 7:30 P.M. Nfld. Time on Zoom
Leader: John Maunder Title: Year-End Slide Show
Photo above was taken by John Maunder "A small fly on a Nuphar at Berry Hill Pond, GMNP, August 18, 2017."
Our annual compilation of members’ botanical photos will be presented by John, via Zoom on the date and time indicated above.
A Zoom link will be sent out to members a few days before the meeting. Please mark Jan. 18th on your 2022 calendars.
It would be helpful if those members who submitted photos, and who might be interested in adding live commentary, could be present on the Zoom meeting.
After the presentation, a download link to the Slide Show will be sent out to everyone, in both PowerPoint and .pdf file formats.
A recording of the Zoom meeting will be made available for viewing via a link on the WFS website until the next meeting.
If you have any questions or concerns about the meeting, please contact Karen Herzberg, Zoom host at karenherzberg@warp.nfld.net
Notice of December 2021 Wildflower Zoom Meeting
Date: December 14th, 2021 (Tuesday) at 7:30 p.m. (NF Time)
Speaker: Sue Meades
Topic: "Flora of the Kaipokok Bay area, south of Postville, Labrador
MicMac Hill (alpine area)
A string fen from SW of Jacques Lake
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar still with zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting anytime after 7:15 pm.
Karen Herzberg will be your Zoom host again.
Notice of November 2021 Wildflower Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, November 16th, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. (NF Time)
Speaker: Luise Hermanutz
Topic: "What's happening on the Limestone Barrens? An update on the braya goings on"
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting.
Should you be unfamiliar still with zoom, or wish to socialize a bit, you can join the meeting anytime after 7:15 pm.
Karen Herzberg will be your Zoom host again.
Date: Tuesday, October 12th, 2021, 7: 30 p.m.
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: "Georgia on my mind.....the country that is!"
The Zoom link will be sent to members by email before the meeting
Primula algida
Upcoming fall lectures and other business
Attention Wildflower NL members:
I am sure most members were able to enjoy our wonderful spring and summer weather wildflowering and picture- taking and which continues now into the fall. Unfortunately, we don't seem to be out of the woods yet in terms of Covid, and for safety concerns our Society will not be able to avail of the Botanical Gardens lecture room for our fall/winter meetings.
Fall Lecture Series: However, we are delighted to be able to offer members several interesting zoom lectures. We will be starting off with Todd Boland presenting a talk "Wildflowers of Georgia" on October 12th, at 7:30 p.m. For November and December months, Luise Hermanutz and Sue Meades, will be each giving us a talk on their research in Labrador, which is a topic we have not explored in depth, and which makes these lectures especially exciting.
Karen Herzberg has kindly offered to share her zoom program so that we can partake in on-line lectures. In the coming weeks, Karen will be sending out an e-mail with instructions on how to connect on the evening of Todd's lecture, October 12th. Through Karen's zoom program and her guidance our executive has already had several meetings via zoom and it was not in any way a complicated or intimidating process. So, we do hope all members will be able to participate and enjoy our topics.
Membership Fee: Unfortunately, as we were regrettably not able to offer any wildflower walks this past summer and with no upcoming meetings at the Botanical Gardens, the executive has decided to forgo membership fee for 2021/2022.
End of the year slide images: John Maunder has kindly agreed to put together our end -of-the-season slide show, which he hopes to send out in January. The deadline for picture submission will be November 1st and John will be sending out an e-mail with the rules for submission. This notice gives members time to start going through their images and submitting as early as possible. If you have any questions John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com
Sarracenia: After many years as editor of the Sarracenia, Howard Clase, has decided to step down and John Maunder has kindly offered to become our new editor. We wish to thank Howard for his many years as our hard-working editor pulling together so many great issues. We feel certain that Howard will continue to provide valuable information for future Sarracenias. Howard's final issue as editor will be coming out soon.
So for now, watch for Karen's e-mail for instruction on connecting to zoom, and reminder of Todd's talk on October 12th at 7:30 "Wildflowers of Georgia".
Stay Safe!
Carmel Conway
& all Executive members
Notice of March Wildflower Meeting
March 10th, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: Adaptations of Newfoundland Artic-Alpine Flowers
Purple Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia)
February Wildflower Meeting
February 11th, 2020 (Tuesday evening)
MUN Botanical Gardens, Mt. Scio Road
Meeting time: 7:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Sara Jenkins, Vice-President of Nature NL & Editor of Omphalina
Topic: “Fabulous Fungi and Friends”
Hope to see you there -

January Wildflower Meeting (End-of-Year Party and Slide Show)
January 14th, 2020 (Tuesday), 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens, Mt. Scio
John Maunder has compiled a “slide show” of images submitted by members from the past year, which will certainly bring back some great wildflowering memories.
Please bring along any small sweet or treat that you might have left-over from the Christmas season.
Wine, tea or juice will be served.
Hope to see you there!
![wine glass[2305843009227931949]](files/wine-glass005b2305843009227931949005d.jpg)
Just a note to remind members that our Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday, January 14th, 2020.
Like last year, we moved our get-together to the New Year, so as not to interfere with the “Merry & Bright” Festival. A reminder of our get-together and “slideshow” will be sent early in the New Year.
On behalf of the executive, I would like to wish all members a joyful and relaxing holiday season!
Carmel Conway
Wildflower Society of NL
November Wildflower Society Meeting
November 12th, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: NL Nature Photographer, Brian Bursey
Topic: “Eclectic Observations from travels through Newfoundland and Labrador”
Reminders: Deadline for submission of images for our end -of- the year party is
November 12th, 2019.
You can either submit your pics to John Maunder at our upcoming meeting or forward by e-mail to: jem@nl.rogers.com
Notice of October Wildflower Meeting
October 8th (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Clyde Thornhill
Topic: “Wildflowers, Landscapes and Critters”
Hope to see you there!
Wildflower Society Walk
Goose Pond, Shearstown
"True" Queen Anne's Lace, and other things
Leader: John Maunder
Saturday, September 7, 2019, meet at Goose Pond at 11:00 a.m. (sharp)
(if the weather is foul on Saturday, Sunday will potentially be the alternate date)
The "fancy bracts" below the flower head of the "true" Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota).
Drive through Bay Roberts, going north.
After you pass the highschool (Ascension Collegiate), take the first significant road (Shearstown Road) to the left (if you pass a service station on the right, you have gone too far).
Drive about 1.55 km along Shearstown Road, then take a right turn onto New Hill Road.
After crossing a small bridge, take an immediate right onto North Side road, then, after 0.15 km (having ignored the immediate left onto Holmes Road), take a left onto Goose Pond Road.
After 0.5 km on Goose Pond Road, you will see a fork in the road; keep left until you reach the parking area at the pond.
For those with enough energy left after the Goose Pond walk, we will have lunch at the picnic area just N of Spaniard's Bay beach, and then visit the Spaniard's Bay saltmarsh, at the NE end of Muddy Hole Road, to see the very tall Phragmites (Reed Grass) stands and other saltmarsh wonders.
1. Main map (below)
2. Closeup of the tricky turns in Shearstown (below)
Wildflower Society Walk
Little Soldiers Pond
Saturday, August 10
10:00 AM
Led by Gene and Karen Herzberg
We will meet at the access road to Little Soldiers Pond
Drive west on the TCH from St. John’s, go past the Foxtrap Access Road. Just beyond the truck weigh station you will see the power lines crossing the highway. Turn into the gravel access road. There is parking just up the road so you don’t need to park along the Highway.
We will walk down to the bog near the pond. There are a number of orchids and sundews as well as other interesting wildflowers along the path down to the bog.
If the weather is bad we will try for the same time and place on Sunday August 11. If unsure you can call Karen at 7275906. You can also check the Society Website, for any update. We will post a notice if the day of the walk is changed.
Map to location below
White fringed Orchid (Platanthera blephariglottis). Taken at Little Soldiers Pond bog, August 4
Wildflower Society Gallows Cove Trail Walk
Leader, Howard Clase
Saturday, August 3rd, at 10:00 we will meet at Gallows Cove Road
Drive past Foodland in Torbay and turn onto Gallows Cove Road, the second turning to the right, there is space for several cars at the bottom of the road, and more on a vacant lot a little way back, and also by the roadside.
There are some muddy spots along the trail, but they are only very shallow
This used to be a favorite walk for the Society in the early days, but it seems to have changed a bit.
We will be joined by Sue and Bill Meades. Sue is our society's founder and first president. Hope to see you there!
Howard Clase. 753-6415 email hclase@mun.ca. or Saturday only 727-6410
If there is any uncertainty or doubt due to weather
Wildflower Society Field Trip
Voisey's Brook Park, Portugal Cove
Saturday, July 13, 2019
(weather permitting, watch your e-mail)
Meet at the "Jera Street trailhead" (see map, and further directions, below) at 10:30 am.
Please DO NOT meet at the "ball field entrance" on the Indian Meal Line
Few-flowered Sedge (Carex pauciflora) in "Arethusa bog", Voisey's Brook Trail, Portugal Cove, July 10, 2019.
(Measurements tip-to-tip across the greenish parts are about 8 mm) Photo - John Maunder.
Detailed directions (see map below)
From St. John's, either [1] drive out the Portugal Cove Road to just past the Indian Meal Line, then almost immediately turn right onto Bauline Line Extension, or, [2] drive out Torbay Road, then turn left onto the Indian Meal Line (just past the Torbay bridge), proceeding across the Indian Meal Line to Portugal Cove Road, then turn right and almost immediately turn right again onto Bauline Line Extension.
Then proceed on up Bauline Line Extension about 4.2 km, and turn right onto Chesley Van Heights [road] (the name is on the road sign but not on the map below - look for a yellow "Blind Hill" sign at the beginning of Chesley Van heights [road] - also, the house across the road is a sort of brick red colour). If you miss this first road, turn right on the very next road which is called Woodland Drive.
In either case, eventually turn right onto Jera Street, and watch for a gravel area with a trail leading straight off to the left (the trail is marked by an aluminum-framed sign with a map on the far(!) side of it).
Please park as far off the road as possible, all on one side.
Trail Map (see diagram below)
Note the complicated trail system. It would be useful to print off a copy of this diagram to put in your pocket. It's REALLY easy to get lost in this park!
Again, meet at the "Jera Street trailhead"
Wildflower Society
Chuckley Pear Walk
GEO Centre Trails, St. John's
"Our Traditional Welcome to Summer"
Meet at the GEO Centre Parking Lot, Signal Hill
Sunday afternoon, June 23, at 2:30 pm
Chuckley Pears on the Lower Trail, behind the GEO Centre
Photo taken June 20, 2019
John Maunder
Wildflower Society Field Trip
Hawke Hills, Avalon Peninsula.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Meet at the summit near the communications towers at about 11 am
(but, see note about the road up to the towers, later, below).
A set of directions and a map are appended.
Hawke Hills, Newfoundland. Alpine barrens. June 6, 2004. [Digital - John Maunder]
It has been really hard to judge the weather this Spring. Maybe we are doing this trip a wee bit later than we should be? But, hopefully there will still be some examples of the Alpine Azalea and the May-June-flowering form of Diapensia on the Hawke Hills.
Not to worry though, because there are plenty of other interesting plants in the area!
And, the weather forecast is supposed to be good.
Hope to see you there.
Below is a set of directions to the Hawke Hills, for those approaching from St. John's.
After crossing the Witless Bay Line, you will soon pass the exit to Holyrood (Route 62). Stay on the TCH. After a short bit, as the highway starts to rise, you will see, on the OPPOSITE SIDE of the divided highway, a narrow dirt track exiting the TCH and immediately veering sharply to the right as it starts uphill to the communications towers on top of Hawke Hill. If the weather is clear, the towers will be plainly visible from some distance.
Because of the divided highway, you will actually have to pass the Hawke Hill and drive about 6 km or so further on, to the Salmonier Line (Route 90) overpass. At this point, use the overpass to switch directions and drive back towards St. John's on the other side of the divided TCH. Just after you have crested the highest point on the highway between the Salmonier Line overpass and the Hawke Hill, on the return trip, keep watching, on the right, up ahead, for the dirt track to the top of Hawke Hills ... It is hard to see on the approach and can be missed if you are not watching for it [as the construction people say: "Be Prepared to Stop"]. Proceed up the steep dirt track to the top at the towers IF your vehicle has decent ground clearance. It may take a bit of "guerilla driving" in places. Otherwise, leave your car at the bottom of the hill and walk up ... Be warned that it is a wee bit of a climb (and will take maybe half an hour), but there are interesting plants along the way.
May Wildflower Meeting
May 14th, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. (Tuesday)
MUN Botanical Gardens
Guest Speakers: Tegan Padgett & Travis Heckford
Topic: “Flora of Oaxaca State, Southern Mexico”
Myrmecophila grandiflora, Botanical Gardens in Oaxaca City
April Wildflower Meeting
April 9th, (Tuesday), 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Howard Clase
Topic: “The Botanical Year Branscombe’s Pond”
Branscombe’s Pond photo by H. Clase
Joe-Pye-Weed, Eutrochium maculatum photo by H. Clase
March Wildflower Meeting
March 12, 2019 (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Topic: “Spring Wildflowers of New Zealand....a whiter shade of pale”
Speaker: Todd Boland
Eglinton Valley
Ourisia calycina
February Wildflower Meeting
Tuesday, February 12th, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Dr. Yolanda Wiersma
Topic: “Lichens on the island of Newfoundland: What do we know, and what can we learn?”
Hope to see you there!
Sphaeropphorus globosus (coral lichen)
Photo by: Troy McMullin
Please note: The postponement of our "December Christmas get together and Slide Show" until January
Reminder That the Annual Wildflower Christmas Party and Members Slide Show will take place January 8th, 2019,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Since the Botanical Gardens is having such great success with its Merry & Bright Holiday Light Festival, they have decided to run the event for a longer period. As a result the WIldflower Society "Christmas get together and Slide Show", originally scheduled for December 11th, 2018, will be postponed until January 8th, 2019 (Tuesday).
The "silver lining" is that this postponement will give members extra time for Fall picture taking, and for selecting images for the slide show. John has set a deadline of December 1, 2018 for photo submissions ... although the earlier you send your photos to him the better. Guidelines for submission of photos will follow soon, although the guidelines will be pretty much the same as they were last year.
November Wildflower Meeting
November 13th, 2018 (Tuesday)
7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Wildflower Society member Clyde Thornhill
Topic: "Wildflower Photo Album 2018"
Clyde travels extensively around the province capturing magnificent wildflower images you are sure to enjoy!
Hope to see you there!
Wildflower Society Field Trip
“The Trees of Bowring Park”
City arborist, David Evans, will be leading us in a Bowring Park Tree Walk on October 4th, 2018 (Thursday).
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Meeting place: At the conservatory
See you there!
Carmel Conway
Wildflower Society of NL
October Wildflower Meeting
October 9th, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
*Please note that our meeting for October month will be starting a half hour earlier, as Barry will be travelling from Carbonear.
SPEAKER: Dr. Barry Hicks, Bee Expert, College of the North Atlantic
Title of Talk: Flowers and insects: the buddy system
Dr. Hicks will outline the close relationship of insects and flowering plants. Bees are the most important pollination insects. We will discover the different species of bees in Newfoundland and their importance to NL ecosystems.
Wildflower Society Walk
Sunday, September 9th, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. (sharp)
"Our Concrete Gardens"
The Sidewalks of St. John's
Leader: John Maunder
Broadleaf Dock, Bitter Dock (Rumex obtusifolius) [NF] [i]
MEET AT the bottom of Sherwood Drive (it's actually a "Place").
This dead-end street is located just "west" of the "General Protestant Cemetery" on Waterford Bridge Road.
We will proceed "eastward", mostly on sidewalks (with some small detours), as far as "the big bridge to Shea Heights", and then return to the cars via a second, parallel, route.
Total distance is about 2 km (of mostly very easy walking).
Wildflower Society Walk
Upper Three Corner Pond, Torbay
"Toads, Perplexing Bur-reeds, and lots of Canada Yew"
Leader: John Maunder
Saturday, August 18th, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. (sharp)
(if weather is foul on Saturday, Sunday will be alternate date)
[Yes. It does look a lot like Power's Pond in Mt. Pearl, but it's actually very different!]
For those coming from St. John's, turn left onto the Bauline Line just past the Torbay post office ... (OR, turn left onto the Bauline Line from the Torbay By-pass Road).
Drive about 3.95 km towards Bauline, from the Torbay Highway ... (OR, about 2.05 km towards Bauline, from the Torbay By-pass Road)
On the left, just BEFORE a "very high net on poles" that prevents soccer balls kicked from a community soccer pitch from landing on the road, there is a very inconspicuous break in the trees that looks like a driveway entrance, until you come level with it ... It's actually a small parking area, big enough for about 5 cars. That's where the trail starts. There is NO SIGN!
If there are no other cars in that small parking spot, it is a good parking option. However, don't block anyone in!
You may want to go slightly past that small parking spot, and park somewhere within, or near, the above-mentioned soccer pitch area.
Wherever you park, PLEASE MEET at the small parking area described above.
See the 2 maps appended below.
general view
close-up view
Wildflower Society Field Trip
Branscombe's Pond Tuesday August 7th at 10.00 a.m.
Leader Howard Clase
Branscombe's Pond has the best selection of waterside plants that I know of around St John's. So far I have a list of about 120 species, and it's different every time I visit.
There are two and a half ways to get to the meeting point, which is a group of four wooden benches on the boardwalk alongside the pond, one of which has a memorial plaque to Joanne Fifield, and, probably, a pink Teddy Bear fixed next to it. (There is another similar group of benches nearby without the plaque or the Teddy Bear).
Directions from St John's:
- Proceed along Blackmarsh Rd from the ring road until you cross the unfinished extension to route 3, then turn immediately left onto Gadwall Place. The entrance to the trail around the pond is behind the mailbox at the bottom. Turn left along the trail until you reach the meeting point.
- Proceed along Topsail Rd about 250 m past the entrance to the Cineplex Cinemas and turn right onto Goldeneye Place. There are two access paths to the pond.
- One entrance path is between #s 19 & 21. There is a crosswalk at this location, don't block it. Turn right when you reach the trail to get to the meeting point.
- If there are already a lot of cars parked at the lower entrance carry on until you come to two mailboxes on the left, there is a second entrance between #s 33 &35. In this case turn left when you get to the trail around the pond to get to the meeting place.
I will try to remember to have my cell phone switched on:- 727-6410.
If you are coming from the Mount Pearl direction I hope you can work it out from the above.
Wildflower Society Walk
Foxtrap Marina = Foxtrap Harbour
"Boats, Purple Loosestrife, and Giant Manna Grass"
Leader: John Maunder
Saturday, August 4th, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. (sharp)
(if weather is foul on Saturday, Sunday will be alternate date)
MEET AT: Foxtrap Marina = Foxtrap Harbour.
WET off the trail, bring boots.
For those coming from St. John's, take the TCH, then turn down the Foxtrap Access Road.
At the intersection of the Foxtrap Access Road with the CBS Highway, take a quick jig to the right, then another quick jig to the left, onto Delaney's Road. There should be a small sign saying "Foxtrap Harbour".
Go down Delaney's Road to nearly the end. Park on the left, just before the first hauled-up boats. See red pin on the map.
PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK access to any boats or other things ... This is a working harbour.
Map: The yellow pins on the Trailway mark the ends of the primary field trip area, although, depending upon the enthusiasm of the group, we can go further in either direction.
The marsh is shown in lower central area.
Wildflower Walk
Ring Road Cloverleaf at Torbay Road, St. John's
Leader: John Maunder
Saturday, July 21st, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. (sharp)
(if weather is foul on Saturday, Sunday will be alternate date)
There will be a short (1-2 hour) field trip on Saturday morning, July 21 ... primarily to observe the "vicious" and amazing "Marsh Thistle" (Cirsium palustre) (SEE PHOTOS below) ... an introduced species that has "gone mad" in the Ring Road Cloverleaf at Torbay Road, in St. John's. These plants can be 6 feet tall!
Of course, there are numerous other things to see at the same place.
Certainly worth a trip.
MEET AT: the north end of the commercial parking lot just south of the clover leaf on Torbay Road (just south of the Ring Road overpass) at 10:30 am.
WET, bring boots.
GEO Centre Chuckly Pear Walk
Signal Hill
Thursday afternoon June 14 2:30 pm
Led by John Maunder
Dress warmly. It's only "June-uary"
May Wildflower Meeting
May 8th, 2018 Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: “Wildflowers from the Craters of the Moon”
It was an amazing place! It is a US National Monument in Idaho where there were several lava flows between 15,000 and 2000 years ago.
There are over 600 square miles of lava.
It is very bleak but close inspection shows some lovely plants including several endemics.
April Wildflower Meeting
April 10th, 2018, 7:30 p.m. (Tuesday night)
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Gene Herzberg
Topic: “Newfoundland Orchids”
Cypripedium acaule forma alba
Photo by Gene Herzberg
To compliment our evening of orchids,
Ross Traverse has highly recommended a great CBC Radio program featured on the March 22nd, 2018 edition of Ideas by contributing editor, Marilyn Powell
“Suggestive, romantic, sexy orchids”
click on:
March Wildflower Meeting
March 13th, (Tuesday), 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Alan Whittick
Topic: “Wandering around southern Africa, Plants from Deserts (Namibia), Wetlands (Botswana) and Mountains (Lesotho).”
February Wildflower Meeting
Tuesday, February 13th, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Title of Presentation: Wildflowers of Western Australia
Presenter: Pat Hill
Wahlenbergia capensis, taken by Pat-
December Wildflower Christmas Party and Slide Show
Tueday, December 12, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Well it is that time of the year for wildflower members to get together for a glass of cheer and share memories of the past wildflower season. Please bring along a savoury or sweet treat to share. Wine, tea & coffee will be provided.
November Wildflower Meeting
MUN Botanical Garden
November 14 (Tuesday) at 7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: Buttlerflies & Orchids of Northern Greece
Todd will delight us with some 40 species of orchids and 40 species of butterflies!
- A reminder- fall time is renewal of membership time –
Thursday, October 19th 2017, 7: 30 p.m. Science Building, Memorial University of NL
Room # SN 2025
We are delighted to be able to attend Nature NL October meeting!
Speaker: Luise Hermanutz, MUN Biology Department, long-time Wildflower Member/Speaker
Topic: Taking actions to stop extinctions - Restoring a biodiversity hotspot on the Island of Newfoundland
There are 24 documented extirpations/extinctions in Canada, and based on some recent reports, we can expect more. We need to take action to stop and reverse the loss our wild species and habitats. But how? The Limestone Barrens on the Northern Peninsula are a biodiversity hotspot with over 100 rare plants found on a thin, fragmented strip of coast on the tip of the Northern Peninsula. However in the last 50 years much of the rare limestone barrens habitat has been lost or degraded due to human activities. The limestone barrens are home to 3 SARA listed species: Long’s braya (Braya longii), Fernald’s braya (B. fernaldii) and Barrens willow (Salix jejuna). These plants are “true Newfoundlanders” as they are endemic and found nowhere else on earth! In order to reverse the trend and secure more habitat to stabilize populations of the rare plants, we have started to restore a quarry at Sandy Cove, adjacent to the Sandy Cove Ecological Reserve. This talk will give an overview of the how we are restoring the barrens and some of its rare plants.
Luise Hermanutz is a conservation ecologist and field biologist who studies rare plants, impacts of moose on forest regeneration, and how climate change is affecting the tundra in northern Labrador in partnership with the Nunasiabut government and Parks Canada. She is a professor in the Dept. of Biology at Memorial University in St. John’s.
The Aug. 19 trip for Clarke’s Beach to New Harbour Has been CANCELLED
The trip originally planned for Aug 26 at Bidgood’s Park, The Goulds was held earlier and there is no planned walk for August 26
Bell Island, Conception Bay
August 12, 2017
Leader: John Maunder
Vicia tetrasperma - Slender Vetch [Eurasian, introduced]
Very tiny! Also, very rare in eastern Newfoundland.
Photo: John Maunder. Bell Island, Conception Bay. Near ferry dock. Waste ground. August 5, 2009.
Try to get the 9:05 AM trip on the MV Legionnaire. [See the ferry schedule appended to bottom of this notice.]
You will need to take your car, or car pool!
Arrive early enough to line up, purchase tickets, etc.
Meet at: the Bell Island end of ferry trip, at about 9:30 am.
If you miss the 9:05 trip, note that we will be puttering about near the ferry terminal (on the Bell Island side),
for a bit, and then heading for the North End Lighthouse area for a while [see appended map, below.]
But note: the next ferry is not until 10:35 am.
Plants of primary interest:
Vicia tetrasperma - Slender Vetch [Eurasian, introduced]
Vicia sativa var. angustifolia [= subsp. nigra] - Narrowleaf Vetch [Eurasian, introduced in eNfld.]
Epilobium strictum - Downy Willowherb [only known Newfoundland locality]
Bell Island Ferry Schedule - Saturdays
Ferry Fee Schedule
WFS Field Trip - Shoe Cove Beach
Leader: Carmel Conway
Saturday, August 5, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Place: Cape Town Convenience, Pouch Cove Highway (on left hand side of highway) - see map below
Amongst other things, we are hoping to see the Ragged Robin - if it is still flowering!
Silene flos-cuculi subsp. flos-cuculi [= Lychnis flos-cuculi subsp. flos-cuculi] [NF] [i]
Just before reaching Cape Town Convenience, you will pass Satellite Road. [Watch for School Zone signs.]
After meeting at Cape Town Convenience we will head on to Shoe Cove Road (first turn off, on the right hand side of the road, past the end of Shoe Cove Pond.).
As the path to the beach can be rocky, please wear good hiking boots. Also, the path is uneven and a wee bit steep in places.
Any questions? Carmel can be reached at: abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com
or 722-0121
WFS Field Trip to Cape Shore and Cape St. Mary's
Scheduled for July 29-30, 2017.
We seem to be jinxed when it comes to running this particular field trip! - It was cancelled last year, also because of the weather!
While it's always hard to judge the weather report more than a few hours ahead, here in Newfoundland! ... The weather report for the weekend DOES NOT look good!
According to the Weather Network:
For Saturday, while the report seems OK, on the surface, the winds [at St. John's] are supposed to be due southerly with gusts to 35+ km/h, with 88% humidity .... In the Cape St. Mary's area, that usually means one thing ... Thick onshore FOG! ... On this evening's NTV weather report, Eddie Sheerr agreed about the fog.
Sunday looks like a total washout, with up to 20 mm of rain, and SE winds with gusts to 50 km/h [that's at St. John's]
According to Environment Canada:
Saturday during the day: Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers.
Saturday night: Periods of rain.
Sunday during the day: Periods of rain.
Maybe next year?!
If you have a hotel booked, please cancel ASAP.
WFS Field Trip
"Bidgood's Park", The Goulds
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Meet at 10:30 a.m.
Going SOUTH from St. John's ...
Get onto the Ruby Line, in The Goulds.
Between the Goulds Main Road and The Goulds By-Pass Highway turn SOUTH onto the Back Line.
Proceed about 4.1 km south.
Watch for Power's Road, on the right (i.e. west) side of the road. It's easy to miss. However, there should be a sign announcing Bidgood's Park.
Turn right onto Power's Road. Proceed 0.6 km. Turn left onto a small parking area.
See you there.
John Maunder, 335-2462
The approaches to Bidgood's Park, The Goulds
Close-up of Bidgood's Park
Field Trips – Wildflower Society – 2017
[For some of the trips, the exact details will be forthcoming at a later date]
Long (2 day+):
Cape Shore (i.e. Cape St Mary’s) Loop: July 29-30. Leader: John Maunder. [Reserve soon; check hotel cancellation policy]
Meet at Placentia, across from the Three Sisters Pub and Restaurant near the south side of the lift bridge, by 10 am.
Stops at Point Verde, Ship Cove (just south side of bridge), and Gooseberry Cove.
Stay overnight at St. Brides.
Stops at Cape St. Mary’s, Point Lance Beach, and (if there is time) Branch River. On the trip home, we may make short stops at Collin’s Pond (“the floating hearts pond”) and Rocky River (both near Colinet).
[Within the two days specified, the exact order, and time, of stops may be jiggled a bit, if weather conditions at the Cape dictate]
Capeway Motel & Efficiency Units, St. Brides [ http://www.thecapeway.ca/ ] (709) 337-2163
Bird Island Resort, St. Brides [ http://www.birdislandresort.com/ ] (709) 337-2450 or 337-2505
Driftwood Cottage, Branch [B&B] [ http://www.driftwoodcottagebranch.com/ ]
[2 rooms]
The Cliffhouse at Red Point, Branch [phone: (709) 338-2055]
One Day (some may want to do a private overnight somewhere, before or after the fact?)
Bordeaux Trail, Arnold’s Cove: July 15. Leader: John Maunder. A 10km loop, fairly level. An ambitious, but fairly easy hike. Varied habitat. Wonderful scenery. This is a full day trip from St. John’s and return. Arrival in Arnold’s Cove should be by 10 am. A morning trip out to the end of the trail, a picnic break there, and an afternoon return. Entering Arnold’s Cove, turn right at school, then left on Monkstown Road. Follow the hiking trail signs.
Little Soldiers Pond: July 22. Leaders: Todd Boland?/John Maunder/Gene Herzberg?
Bell Island (Wabana). August 12. Leader: John Maunder. Take the “first ferry” (details later). [Highlights: Vicia sativa subsp. nigra - Narrowleaf Vetch; Vicia tetrasperma - Slender Vetch; and Epilobium strictum - Downy Willowherb]
Clarke’s Beach to New Harbour: August 19. Leader: John Maunder. Stops: beach NE of South River exit, ”the Horned Bladderwort Pond”, and New Harbour beach. [Will do trip only if pond levels are low]
Brigus and Bristol’s Hope: September 2 (or September 9, depending on flowering dates). Leader: Gene Herzberg? Howard Clase? [Knautia and other things].
Butter Pot Hill Trail, Butterpot Provincial Park: September 23. Leader: John Maunder. First part of trail, past Pegwood Pond is fairly level, the second rises to the lookout. Begins by campsite 58. (Pegwood Pond Trail, Butter Pot Provincial Park … is a shorter version of Butterpot Hill Trail) [Fall berries, etc.)
Short (2 hours + travel):
GEO Centre: Mid-late June (exact date depending on Chuckley Pear flowering date – you will be informed). Leader: Glen Ryan.
Branscombes Pond (off Topsail Road): July 1. Leader: John Maunder.
Powers Pond, Mt. Pearl - July 8. Leader: Clyde Thornhill.
Shoe Cove Beach: August 5. Leader: Carmel Conway.
Bidgood’s Park, The Goulds: Aug 26. Leader needed: John will not be available.
“Pop-up” Walks (short gatherings called on very short notice, by e-mail, in response to a “new discovery”, a rare sighting, or some other noteworthy event – the plant equivalent of a “rare bird alert” outing)
These events will be informal. There will be no set number. They may or may not even happen ... They are an experiment. Anyone can call a “pop-up” trip by quickly notifying Heather, John, Karen, or Carmel (who each have the WFS membership e-mail list).
Calendar (all dates presuppose a rain day the following day, except for the Cape St. Mary’s Loop dates):
June 3 –
June 10 –
June 17 –
June 24 – GEO Centre (date flowering-dependent)
July 1 – Branscombe’s Pond
July 8 – Power’s Pond
July 15 – Bordeaux Trail, Arnold’s Cove
July 22 – Little Soldier’s Pond
July 29-30 – Cape Shore (i.e. Cape St. Mary’s) Loop) (2-day)
Aug. 5 – Shoe Cove Beach
Aug. 12 – Wabana
Aug. 19 – Clarke’s Beach to New Harbour
Aug 26 – Bidgood’s Park, The Goulds
Trips suggestions for NEXT year:
Truce Sound Coastal Trail, Sunnyside, Trinity Bay
The Mizzen Trail, Heart's Content
Seaview Trail, Norman's Cove
May Wildflower Meeting
Tuesday, May 9th, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens, Mount Scio
Speaker: Eva Musseau
Topic: “ The Flora of Dominica”
(This is an informal presentation, as we hope to help Eva identify many of her pics)
April Wildflower Meeting
Tuesday, April 11th, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Judy Blakeley
Topic: “Floral Images of South Africa” (September 2016)
March Wildflower Society
MUN Botanical Gardens,
Mount Scio Road, St. John’s
Tuesday, March 14th, 2017
7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: “Spring in Utah’s Mighty Five State Parks”.
The meeting for February 14th is cancelled due to the forecast snowstorm. Todd will give his talk at the March meeting.
February 14th, 2017 (Tuesday), 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: “Spring in Utah’s Mighty Five State Parks”
Wildflower Society Christmas Party and Slide Show
January 10th, 2017, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. MUN Botanical Garden
Let’s hope that the weather is favourable!
We kindly ask members to bring a small sweet/savory to share, with wine, tea/coffee to be served.
Carmel Conway,
Wildflower Society of NL
Wildflower Society Christmas Party and Slide Show Postponed due to Storm Forecast
December 13th, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. MUN Botanical Garden
With our early snowfall, it seems the Christmas season is fast upon us, and time to get together to celebrate a year full of wonderful wildflowering and friendship. John Maunder has compiled a slide show of many of those memories.
We kindly ask members to bring a small sweet to share, with wine, tea/coffee to be served.
A reminder to members that our next wildflower meeting will be February 14th, 2017 (no meeting in January).
November Wildflower Meeting,
Tuesday, November 8th, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens, Mount Scio
Speaker: Alan Whittick
Topic: “Flowers, and some birds from Western Australia”
October Wildflower Society Meeting
Tuesday, October 11th, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden, Mt. Scio Road
Topic: “How are plants responding to climate change? Stories from the boreal forest and the subartic.”
Speaker: Dr. Carissa Brown,
Department of Geography (Memorial University)
[a reminder to members that it is membership renewal time]
Todd Boland with the Rock Garden Society has extended an invitation to any members of our Society who might be interested in attending the next Rock Garden Society meeting, scheduled for September 28th, 7:30 p.m. at the Garden.
This month’s topic will be an overview of the Denver Botanical Gardens and Yampas Botanic Park in Steamboat, Colorado. Several members of the Rock Garden Society, including Todd, were invited to visit these gardens during the NARGS Conference last June. According to Todd, the gardens are quite inspiring.
There will also be a few plants for sale, including a few dwarf ferns. Also, if any member has anything that they would like to bring along for the sale, please feel free to do so.
The Bristol’s Hope Baldellia Trip has been Postponed to Sunday, September 11 because of the rain forecast for Saturday.
Bristol's Hope – "The Baldellia is in Bloom" - Field Trip: Saturday September 10 [or 11 - rain day).
Leader: Gene Herzberg - cell # 699-5012
Pauline Penney who lives in Bristol’s Hope emailed Karen Herzberg on September 2 to say that the Baldellia was in bloom.
For those interested in seeing the Baldellia, Gene and Karen Herzberg will be at the head of the pond at 10:00 on September 10. We (Gene and Karen ) will be there until about noon when we have to leave to check on the renovations at our daughter’s house in Lower Island Cove.
Meet where Pondside Road meets the pond at 10 AM. See: map below.
Duration is to be determined by attendees. You may want to bring a picnic lunch or be prepared to eat at a local restaurant as desired.
Species of special interest:
Lesser Water-plantain (Baldellia ranunculoides) [only known North American occurrence!]
Include your rubber boots in the car because they might be needed in order to take good photos. Other plants found there, and noted in John’s Digital Flora, are listed at the bottom of this notice.
For directions to Bristol's Hope see map below, plus the following directions:
Follow Highway 75 to the intersection with highway 70 just beyond Harbour Grace. Turn right onto Highway 70 (Cathedral St.) and take the second turn to the left after about 1 km onto Saddle Hill, after another 500 m turn right onto Main Road, then turn left onto Pondside Road at the intersection.
If Saturday's weather is poor, the trip will take place on Sunday. If in doubt about the weather on Saturday, phone Gene Herzberg at cell # 699-5012.
For those interested in further exploring the edge of the pond and the barachois Gene Herzberg searched John Maunder’s Digital Flora for plants identified as being seen at Bristol’s Hope. Below is a list of those plants. Obviously not a complete list of plants but does identify plants we might see.
Baldellia ranunculoides - Lesser Water-plantain
Atriplex cf. prostrata [Final identification pending] - Prostrate Orache
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Between beach and barasway.
Callitriche heterophylla - Larger Waterstarwort
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Inner shores of barachois pond. Entangled with charophytes (Nitella sp.).
Sparganium angustifolium - Narrowleaf Bur-reed
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Pond behind beach.
Polygonum aviculare cf. subsp. rurivagum [Final identification pending] - Narrow-leaved Knotweed
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Shingle behind [saltwater] barachois beach.
Lysimachia terrestris - Swamp Candles
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. In water at edge of barachois
Potamogeton pusillus - Berchtold’s Pondweed, Slender Pondweed
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Barachois Pond, inner portion. Freshwater.
Galium tinctorium - Dyer’s Bedstraw -
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Near barachois pond. Damp weeds and shrubbery.
Ruppia maritima - Ditchgrass, Beaked Tasselweed -
Bristol's Hope. Seaward side of barachois. Brackish.
Juncus articulatus - Jointed Rush
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Edge of barachois, near beach roadway. Wet.
Scutellaria galericulata var. pubescens - Marsh Skullcap
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Rocky shore of barachois
Oenothera parviflora - Northern Evening Primrose
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Gravelly area on barachois bar
Carex cf. scoparia var. scoparia - Pointed Broom Sedge
Bristol's Hope, Conception Bay, Newfoundland. Base of cutbank, above beach.
WFS Field Trip
Seal Cove River, and general area
Saturday, August 13, 2016
["half-day" trip]
Trip Leader: Howard Clase (assisted by John Maunder).
Screwstem (Bartonia paniculata subsp. iodandra) - (Whole plant, in bud.)
Seal Cove River. Cracks in bedrock within river flood area. August 8, 2008.
Photo: John Maunder
Meet in front of the College of the North Atlantic (Seal Cove Campus) parking lot, Seal Cove, Conception Bay Highway, at 10:00 am.
Park at an appropriate spot near the highway. We will drive to the Seal Cove River from there.
The Seal Cove River site is quite bouldery and uneven, underfoot. Please wear appropriate footwear.
Further to this:
Please also understand that, as is the case for all WFS field-trips, this field trip is completely AT THE PARTICIPANT'S OWN RISK.
Three principal routes:
[1] Drive "west" on the TCH. Turn right onto Holyrood Access Road (Rte. 62). At the junction with the Conception Bay Highway (Rte. 6), turn right and proceed to the College of the North Atlantic Campus at Seal Cove.
[2] Drive "west" on the TCH. Turn right onto the Manuels Access Highway (Rte. 2). Exit to the right, to Manuels, and then go left on the Conception Bay Highway (Rte. 6) to the College of the North Atlantic Campus at Seal Cove.
[3] Drive "west" on the TCH. Turn right onto the Manuels Access Highway (Rte. 2), then stay on Rte. 2 all the way to its end, and then go another 0.5 km. (approx.) on the Conception Bay Highway, to the College of the North Atlantic Campus at Seal Cove.
[Approximate time required to drive to the CONA Seal Cove Campus, from the "Donovan's Overpass", just "west" of St. John's:
[1] VIA THE TCH, the Holyrood Access Road, and the Conception Bay Highway, is about 35 minutes [but note that the TCH is undergoing extensive repaving this week]
[2] VIA the TCH, Manuels Access Road, and the Conception Bay shore highway, is about 30 minutes.
[3] VIA the TCH, Manuels Access Road, and the Conception Bay South Bypass Highway, is only about 15 minutes!]
[See MAP, below]
The Cape Shore Loop trip has been cancelled because of anticipated inclement weather.
WFS Field Trip
Cape Shore Loop
Saturday, August 6, 2016 and Sunday August 7, 2016
[two-day trip]
Nymphoides cordata (Floatingheart) at Collins Pond, just W of Colinet, August 9, 2008 - Photo: John Maunder
Meet at Placentia at 10:00 am on Day 1.
Drive "west" on the TCH. Turn left onto the Argentia Access Road (Rte. 100), just past Whitbourne, and proceed to Placentia.
Cross the big "lift bridge", and then, almost immediately, veer to the left.
Park across the road from the front of the "Three Sisters Pub and Restaurant".
[The drive to Placentia, from the "Donovan's Overpass", just "west" of St. John's, is about 1.5 hours
(Note: the last bit, through Dunville, etc., is a residential "slow zone" - watch for "speed traps"!)]
DAY 1:
Point Verde
Gooseberry Cove
[Lunch at Gooseberry Cove Beach (pack a lunch)]
St. Brides (brief check-in opportunity)
Cape St. Mary's
Proceed to accommodations
DAY 2:
Meet at the Capeway Motel & Efficiency Units, in St. Brides, at 9:30 am
Point Lance Beach (park at the end of the road by the beach)
Branch (Estuary) (park by the "boat basin")
[Lunch at Branch (pack a lunch, OR, there is a recommended restaurant here,
at Careen's Gas Bar, called "The Loft" - http://tinyurl.com/zkjqu9p ]
North Harbour (short stop along south-end beach)
Collins Pond just W of Colinet (see photo above)
Return home
WFS Field Trip
Baccalieu Trail
Saturday, July 23, 2016 and Sunday July 24, 2016
[two-day trip]
Honckenya peploides (Seabeach Sandwort) and Leymus mollis (Strand Wheat) on Salmon Cove Beach. September 2009.
Photo: Susan Maunder
Meet at Fong's Hotel in Carbonear, at 10:00 am on Day 1.
[The drive to Carbonear, from the "Donovan's Overpass", just "west" of St. John's, is about 1.5 hours, or a wee bit less.]
Drive "west" on the TCH. Turn off the TCH at the "Roaches Line Overpass". Stay on Rte. 75 all the way to the outskirts of Carbonear.
Go straight through the lights, and proceed along "fast-food strip". On the left, at the end of the "fast-food strip", is Fong's Hotel.
DAY 1:
Western Bay Point
Job's Cove Trail
A brief stop just NE of Old Perlican, for Scottish Heather (it may still be just in bud)
Lunch at Grates Cove
There will be the option of lunch at the Grates Cove Studio Restaurant in Grates Cove - http://www.gratescovestudios.com/dining/grates-cove-studios-restaurant/.
NOTE: The food (see the above website link) is a cut above what is available at most places,
but it is apparently well worth the price (which is actually not too bad ... entrees are $14-$21).
For those who may want a table at the Grates Cove Studio Restaurant, PLEASE RESERVE for 1:30 pm by calling 1 (709) 587-3880.
Please identify yourselves as members of the WFS.
For those who prefer to pack a lunch, there are picnic tables adjacent/across the road.
Grates Cove (Red Head Cove Trail)
Grates Cove (Grates Cove Trail)
Return to accommodations
DAY 2:
Meet at Fong's Hotel in Carbonear, at 9:30 am
Bristol's Hope
(not for Baldellia [too early] but lots of other good stuff there)
Carbonear "town pond trail", by the train, along main town road [park by the Princess Sheila NaGeira Theatre/Carbonear Community Centre]
Salmon Cove [Please note that there is a $5.00/carload fee for this wonderful municipal park]
Lunch at Salmon Cove
Bring packed lunch. Picnic tables, toilets.
Optional stop, upon homeward trip - Harbour Grace (Riverhead), (along shore and saltmarsh near the DC-3 airplane)
[BRING BOOTS - on our last visit most people couldn't get across the small brook!]
Return home
WFS Field Trip
Bellevue Beach
Saturday, July 9, 2016 ("rain day" Sunday, July 10, 2016)
[A full-day trip]
Meet at the "day-use" beach parking lot, at 11:30 am.
[The drive to Bellevue Beach, from the "Donovan's Overpass", west of St. John's, is little under an hour and a half (i.e. 90 minutes)]
Drive "west" on the TCH, PAST the Long Harbour junction. Drive another 14-15 km (approx).
Turn right off the TCH onto Rte. 201 (to Bellevue). Drive about 1.2 km, generally downhill, to a T-junction.
Turn left, and drive about 2 km along "the shore road".
Turn right into the Bellevue Beach camping park. You will be required to pay a nominal "day-use fee"
Proceed to the "day use" beach parking area. (Stay up on "the beach ridge". Don't go down to the formal "swimming beach")
[See MAP below]
We will be exploring the "long beach ridge" (plus the wider areas near its eastern tip), as well as the interesting upper beaches on both sides of the "ridge".
The formal part of the walk will be a slow, wandering affair, of about 2 hours.
So, with lunch thrown in, it should run until ABOUT 2:30 pm. However, depending upon the enthusiasm of the group, it could well run a wee bit longer.
Bring a packed lunch.
The beach ridge itself is pretty dry, but there are a few wettish spots lower down.
Also, the beach is "beach-rocky", so boots may provide needed ankle support.
Boots are thus at their owner's discretion.
WFS Field Trip
Cupids and Brigus
Saturday, June 25, 2016 ("rain day" Sunday, June 26, 2016)
[A full-day trip]
Meet at the Cupids Heritage Centre http://www.cupidslegacycentre.ca/, 368 Seaforest Drive (the waterfront road), at 10:30 am.
[The drive to Cupids, from the "Donovan's Overpass", is about an hour, or a wee bit more.]
Drive "west" towards the "Roaches Line Overpass". Turn off the TCH onto Rte. 75, then, quite soon after, veer right onto the Roaches Line (Rte. 70).
Nearing South River-Clarkes Beach, turn right onto Rte 60. Then turn left towards Cupids. Proceed to the waterfront. Then continue on to the Cupids Heritage Centre.
We will first visit the excellent "Burnt Head Trails" at the far end of Cupids.
The network of circular seacoast and forest trails takes you by vestiges of long-gone communities and includes a view of an impressive sea arch.
The walk will be an relatively easy couple of hours.
There will be the option of lunch at the Cupids Haven B&B - http://www.cupidshaven.ca/tearoom.html.
Then, for those who are not too tired out, there will be the added option of a short ramble around the lovely neighbouring town of Brigus, after lunch,
with the further option of ending the day with a dish of the famous "Blueberry Cobbler" (="Blueberry Crisp") at the Country Corner Restaurant.
Common Juniper (Juniperus communis), female "cones", Cupids, Burnt Head Trail,
Sept. 25, 2005 - John Maunder
Branscombe's Pond
Wildflower Society Field Trip
Sunday, June 19, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
Branscombe's Pond
Wildflower Society Field Trip
Sunday, June 19, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
Photo taken at Branscombe's Pond, about a month ago, on May 14, 2014 - John Maunder
We will try again to visit this wonderful, but generally unknown, "botanical oasis" hiding between Topsail Road and Blackmarsh Road, in the St. John's/Mount Pearl area.
Let's hope that the weather holds. Looks good now.
The Downtown Sidewalks Walk originally scheduled for this weekend will be moved ahead. Stay tuned for that.
Please note that the Branscombe's Pond Walk will be on SUNDAY, not Saturday, so that it isn't too close to
Nature NL's "Annual Charlie Horwood Memorial Pink Lady Slipper Orchid Walk", scheduled for Saturday morning at 10:00 pm.
Also please note that the time on SUNDAY is 2:30 pm in the afternoon, so as not to clash with any morning church services.
Almost all of the trail is either boardwalk or hard gravel. And virtually level. An easy ramble. The walk will be less than 2 hours.
From St. John's, go out Topsail Road. Drive past "Dodge City" car sales (on the left), and the old mall that still has the "Cineplex Cinemas" in it (on the right).
On your left you will soon find "Mary Queen of the World" church and school.
DIRECTLY across the road from the big parking lot at the church/school is "Goldeneye Place. Turn up Goldeneye Place.
Proceed a short way. The road will soon veer gently to the right.
Look for a break between the houses on the left, that has tallish conifer trees in it. There is a cross-walk there.
In this break between the houses (on the left) there is a wide path to Branscombe's Pond. It is bordered on one side by a brook.
Park on Goldeneye Place.
GEO Centre Chuckly Pear Walk
Signal Hill
SUNDAY afternoon
Led by John Maunder
2:30 pm
Dress warmly. It's only "June-uary"
(The walk will take only an hour or so)
May Wildflower Meeting
Tuesday, May 10th, 7:30 p.m. MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Clyde Thornhill
Topic: A Wild Flower Collection & Other Things
Please note this meeting will be our last indoor meeting for the season. The executive will be meeting in the coming weeks to draft a schedule of summer walks. If you have a suggestion for possible walk, please contact any of our executive members.
Tuesday, April 12th, 2016, 2016 - 7:30 p.m.
Botanical Gardens
Presenter: Todd Boland
Topic: The Flora and Fauna of the Brazilian Cerrado and Pantanal
March Wildflower Meeting
MUN Botanical Garden
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Michael Collins
Topic: "Identifying winter twigs- (and what's been eating them!)".
Members can bring as many twigs as they like since we will be using keys etc. to try and identify them.
Important Note: Members should only bring samples from the wild - not from gardens.
The February Meeting was cancelled due to a storm.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 - 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Presenter: Todd Boland
Topic: The Flora and Fauna of the Brazilian Cerrado and Pantanal
Tuesday, December 8th, 7:30 p.m. (MUN Botanical Gardens).
It will soon be time to get together for our Christmas Party and end of the year slide show!
We ask members to bring along a small treat to share, either sweet or savory, wine, coffee/tea will be provided.
See you there!
November Wildflower Meeting
Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. MUN Botanical Gardens, Mt. Scio Rd.
Speaker: John Maunder
Topic: The "Berries" of Newfoundland: variations of a juicy theme!
A quote from the presentation: “What is a berry? The question sounds very simple … but it isn’t!”
(Tuesday) October 20th, at 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Gene Herzberg
Topic: "The Northern Peninsula and a bit more".
Important notice: We have decided, at the recommendation of many members, to move our Wildflower Meetings to the second Tuesday of every month and the Gardens has kindly accomodated us in this request. As the Gardens had a previously arranged workshop planned for October 13th (second Tuesday of October month), they have provided us the alternate date of October 20th, 2015. However, commencing in November, all future Wildflower Meetings will be held the second Tuesday of every month.
-a few reminders-
Karen Herzberg, our Treasurer, reminds us once again that it is membership renewal time, so please bring your monies along at our next meeting.
Howard Clase, Editor of Sarracenia, is eager to receive submissions for our next Sarracenia.
John Maunder will be soon requesting submission of images for our Christmas Party, so please start thinking about the images you wish to submit.
The WFS TRIP to Shea Heights is POSTPONED until SUNDAY (October 4). Same time, same place.
WFS Field Trip – Shea Heights (Southside Hills)
Saturday, October 3, 2015 [or “rain day” – Sunday, October 4; check your e-mail; or phone if necessary]
Meet at 10:30 a.m.
Leader: John Maunder (jem@nl.rogers.com, and 335-2462)
Trip Goals:
Our primary goal is to examine the berry phase of the several crowberry species growing on the Southside Hills, to complement our Spring trip to the top of Nagles Hill.
In particular, we will be looking at the peculiar “red-berried” pink crowberries [!] that seem to be unique to the place, and which have puzzled "the experts", to date.
For comparison, black and purple crowberries also occur on the Hill.
However, the flora of the Southside Hills is interesting for many other reasons. We won’t be looking at just crowberries. Besides, the view is fabulous!
From Water Street West, cross the big bridge over the Waterford River.
Proceed uphill towards Shea Heights.
Keep LEFT. Stay on the “long loop” route. DO NOT take the “switchback” route marked “Linegar Avenue”.
Go past the senior’s home (which is on the left).
Eventually, the road will begin to curve to the right.
Pass the crosswalk with the overhead light signals.
Keep turning to the right, but stay on the main road.
Eventually, the road will crest. Watch for a reddish-orange, iron swing-gate on the left.
Pull off the road and park EITHER on the wide shoulder area to the right, opposite the iron gate, or, on EITHER SIDE OF the swing gate on the other side of the road.
PLEASE, do not block the swing gate, or, any cars that may be parked on the wide shoulder behind the houses, or any obvious associated property access. Please respect the needs of the residents.
Footwear and Clothing:
The weekend weather is supposed to be significantly cooler than it has been these past few days. Please dress sensibly. Note that the top of the hill is quite barren and exposed.
Rain is expected on Friday, so the ground may be quite wet in places. Also, the trail is rather rocky. Please wear appropriate footwear.
We will be proceeding UPHILL to the area of the communications towers. A few parts of the trail may involve a bit of huffing and puffing, but WE WILL BE TAKING IT VERY SLOWLY. There should be no problem at all for most.
Mundy Pond Trail Wildflower Stroll.
Please note the change in day.
SUNDAY - September 13, 2015 (subject to weather) Time: 10.30 a.m.
Leader: Glen Ryan
Meet: Parking lot across the road from Mews Centre on Mundy Pond Road.
If weather is in doubt, please contact Glen Ryan directly at: (Cell – 709-728-9027) before you venture out.
Email may not be possible for notification if weather is inclement.
Species of interest:
Goldenrod ( 3 species, maybe Brenda's Goldenrod??)
A rare Vetch, Vicia sepium
A big Soft Rush, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Burnet Saxifrage, Pimpinella saxifraga
Marsh Woundwort, Stachys palustris
Bristol's Hope Field Trip
Saturday September 5 [or 6 - rain day)
Leaders: Howard Clase/Gene and Karen Herzberg
Meet at the south end of the Bristol's Hope barachois at 10 AM.
Duration is to be determined by attendees. Please bring a picnic lunch or be prepared to eat at a local restaurant as desired.
Species of special interest:
Lesser Water-plantain (Baldellia ranunculoides) [only known North American occurrence!]
Include your rubber boots in the car because they might be needed in order to take good photos. Other plants found there, and noted in John’s Digital Flora, are listed at the bottom of this notice.
For directions to Bristol's Hope see attached maps plus the following directions:
Follow Highway 75 to the intersection with highway 70 just beyond Harbour Grace. Turn right onto Highway 70 (Cathedral St) and take the second turning to the left after about 1 km onto Saddle Hill, after another 500 m turn right onto Main Rd and follow straight down to the barrachoix - the last bit is called Rocky Lane. N.B Beach Road across the barachois is not suitable for cars! See maps below.
We could also explore the water system farther up to Lady Lake, to see if John's suggestion that the plant might have come over on a float plane in the early years. Apparently they often "landed" on Lady Lake.
Allow at least 1 1/2 hours to drive from St. John's. Karen's cell is 727-5906.
If Saturday's weather is poor, the trip will take place on Sunday.
Gene Herzberg searched John Maunder’s Digital Flora for plants identified as being seen at Bristol’s Hope. Below is a list of those plants. Obviously not a complete list of plants but does identify plants we might see.
Baldellia ranunculoides (Linnaeus) Parl - Lesser Water-plantain
Atriplex cf. prostrata Boucher ex DC. in Lam. & DC. [Final identification pending] Prostrate Orache
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Between beach and barasway.
Callitriche heterophylla Pursh subsp. heterophylla - Larger Waterstarwort
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Inner shores of barachois pond. Entangled with charophytes (Nitella sp.).
Sparganium angustifolium Michaux - Narrowleaf Bur-reed
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Pond behind beach.
Polygonum aviculare cf. subsp. rurivagum (Jordan ex Boreau) E.-L. Berher [Final identification pending] - Narrow-leaved Knotweed -
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Shingle behind [saltwater] barachois beach.
Lysimachia terrestris (L.) B. S. P. - Swamp Candles
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. In water at edge of barachois
Potamogeton pusillus Berchtold’s Pondweed, Slender Pondweed
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Barachois Pond, inner portion. Freshwater.
Galium tinctorium Linnaeus - Dyer’s Bedstraw -
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Near barachois pond. Damp weeds and shrubbery.
Ruppia maritima Linnaeus - Ditchgrass, Beaked Tasselweed -
Bristol's Hope. Seaward side of barachois. Brackish.
Juncus articulatus Linnaeus - Jointed Rush
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Edge of barachois, near beach roadway. Wet.
Scutellaria galericulata Linnaeus var. pubescens Bentham - Marsh Skullcap
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Rocky shore of barachois
Oenothera parviflora Linnaeus - Northern Evening Primrose
Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland. Gravelly area on barachois bar
Carex cf. scoparia Schkuhr ex Willdenow var. scoparia - Pointed Broom Sedge
Bristol's Hope, Conception Bay, Newfoundland. Base of cutbank, above beach.
Bristol's Hope
Bristol's Hope
August 30 Harricott , The Tickles, Collin’s Pond (CP) [full day]
Leaders: John Maunder/Howard Clase (H's cell 727-6410)
Meet at east side of Colinet Bridge, near Angelica occurrence, time 11.00.a.m.
This is at the junction of Highways 91 & 93 and about 90 km (90 min) from St John's. Drive down the Salmonier Line, follow it through Mt Carmel to Colinet, turn left onto #93 and wait by the roadside. The Angelica sylvestris is just over the barrier on the river bank. (You can see it in Google Streetsview!)
We will go on to Harricott Bay to look at the estuary area and also some seaside beaches before we pause for lunch (there are no premises providing lunch in the area so you will have to bring your own).
Then we shall walk out to the Tickles (about 3 km) to see if the old house still stands, and try to find the white Horned Gentian.
N.B The trail has been much used by young men on their destructive machines, it will always have wet sections, but since it hasn't been too rainy lately it may not be too bad, however waterproof foot-ware will be essential.
Full Day Field Trip This Saturday August 22
To Whitbourne [and, participants willing, on to Rocky River, Collins Pond, and Cataracts Provincial Park]
Date: August 22 ["rain day" = August 23]
Leader: John Maunder
Meet, at 10: am, at Monty's Restaurant (and gar bar) parking lot, on the TCH, just as you reach the Whitbourne area from the east
Some species of special interest:
- Mass blooming of Scottish Heather (Calluna vulgaris) [spectacular]
- Black Dogberry (Sorbaronia sp.) in berry
- Black Alder, European Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
- Water Horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile) massive beds
- Whorled Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum verticillatum)
- Acadian Quillwort (Isoëtes acadiensis)
- Tuckerman’s Quillwort (Isoëtes tuckermanii)
- Floating Hearts (Nymphoides cordata) [Collins Pond]
BRING BOOTS, or "water slippers" - pond and river waters levels are high this year!
Contact: John Maunder:
phone (home) 335-2462
[Please address any replies to the above e-mail address, NOT to my g-mail address.]
The Haricot Field Trip, originally scheduled for this coming Sunday, July 26,, will be re-scheduled, because the flowering season has been SO SLOW!
The new date will probably be sometime in late August.
July 5th, 2015 Sunday, Downtown Wildflower Walk
We will meet at 10:00 am at the top of the courthouse steps, Duckworth St. We will then proceed to the "west", by various sidewalk routes. (Last year's walk covered the area to the "east" of the courthouse steps.)
Walk duration: about 2 hours. A slow ramble.
In case of bad weather, watch your e-mail, or call John Maunder at 335-2462.
Japanese Pearlwort - Sagina japonica. Water Street. Courthouse parking area. In cracks between cobblestones. Very rare introduction.
Hope to see you on the 5th!
Booking Accommodation for our July 18-July 19 Field Trip to the Bay Roberts Area (1 night only)
Meeting Time and Place: Powell's Supermarket parking lot (by the main traffic lights in Bay Roberts by 9:30 am on July 18th, 2015. We will botanize all day July 18th, and until sometime after lunch on July 19th, 2015.
Please bring boots, rain-gear, magnifying glass, field guide, and lunch time snack.
Please book accommation as soon as possible. There is only a few remaining rooms at Bay Roberts Hotel and Scrunchions Restaurant (formerly the Klondyke Hotel)
Booking Options: See below, there are also several B&B's in the area (NL Tourism Guide).
1. Bay Roberts Hotel, 72-76 Water Street, Bay Roberts, phone: 709- 786-4700, fax- 709 786-4747, toll free #: 1-800-786-4703, or email: Reservations@bayrobertshotel.ca
2. Silverwood Inn, Bay Roberts (389-399 Conception Bay Highway) phone: 709 -786-4466, toll free #: 1-800-663-4450, fax- 709 786-1313, or email: silverwoodinn@eastlink.ca
(I have not been there recently, so I cannot vouch for the hotel's quality- John).
3. Fong's Motel and Restaurant, 143 Columbus Drive, Carbonear, phone- 709-596-5114 or email: contact@fongsmotel.com
Note: On checking price range for both Bay Roberts Hotel and Silverwood Inn, the cost is between $124-$149 plus tax. Double rooms have either two double beds or two queens bed which allows for shared accomodation.
On checking with Fong's Motel and Restaurant the cost is approximately $80 plus tax for single room and $84 for double room (two double beds).
Bay Roberts Hotel and the Silverwood Inn both have restaurants, but neither is open until noon time brunch. However, there are several earteries in close proximity to the hotels. Bay Roberts Hotel is willing to make a breakfast (extra charge).
Further information: please call:
John Maunder, Leader - phone:335-2462 or jem@nl.rogers.com
Carmel Conway Wildflower Society of NL, phone: 722-0121 or abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com
Monday, June 8th, 2015 starting at: 6:00 p.m.
Leader: Glen Ryan
"Spring Shrubs Blooming"
Meet: parking lot, Geo Centre
It might be helpful to bring along "Shrubs of Newfoundland" by Glen Ryan, or "Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland" by Todd Boland
-in case of inclement weather, please contact Glen before heading out for walk: call 739-6146 or cell- 728-9027
Species of special interest:
Chuckley Pear (Amelanchier spp.)!
Rhodora (Rhododendron canadense)
Mountain Holly (Ilex (= Nemopanthus) mucronata)
Pin Cherry (Prunus pensylvanica)
Sunday May 24 WFS Field Trip to See the Three Types of Crowberry on the Top of Nagles Hill, St. John's
Date: Sunday, May 24
Time: 10:30 am
Place: The top of Nagles Hill Road ... Go PAST the entrance to the golf course, all the way to the end of the road.
Parking: At the wide area at the end of the road, from where people walk up to the Three Pond Barrens [note: we will NOT be going up the main Three Pond Barrens path!].
Boots: YES
Hand lens: YES
Crowberries expected:
E. nigrum nigrum (Common Black Crowberry - male and female flowers on different plants)
Empetrum nigrum hermaphroditum (Hermaphroditic Black Crowberry - male and female flowers on same plants)
Empetrum atropurpureum (Purple Crowberry)
For photos of crowberries, see the Crowberry Page on the "Digital Flora" ... http://www.digitalnaturalhistory.com/flora_empetraceae_index.htm
Wildflower Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Field Trip Schedule, Avalon Peninsula – 2015
Please note that there will be NO week-long field trip this year.
It is acknowledged that all field trips listed below will be held on the Avalon Peninsula. West coast, and other, members are encouraged to organize field trips in their local areas. Please let us know if you do.
All field trip dates are subject to change if the weather is too foul! Dates in square brackets are the first backup dates. All dates, including first backup dates, are either Saturdays or Sundays.
May 23 [24] [2 hours] (date is subject to change, depending on eventual flowering dates, stay tuned):
Crowberry (Empetrum) Blooming,
Nagle’s Hill, St. John’s.
Leader: John Maunder
Three “species” of special interest:
Common Black Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum ssp. nigrum)
Hermaphroditic Black Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum)
Purple Crowberry (Empetrum atropurpureum)
June 13 [14] [2 hours] (date subject to change, depending on eventual flowering dates, stay tuned):
Spring Shrubs Blooming (a tradition).
GEO Centre, St. John’s.
Leader: Glen Ryan.
Species” of special interest:
Chuckley Pear (Amelanchier spp.)!
Rhodora (Rhododendron canadense)
Mountain Holly (Ilex (= Nemopanthus) mucronata)
Pin Cherry (Prunus pensylvanica)
July 5 [2 hours] (Sunday morning, because of parking):
Downtown Sidewalks
“west” of the old Museum, St. John’s.
Leader: John Maunder
Current checklist = 156 species!
July 11 [12] [1/2 day]:
Manuels River Trail.
Manuels River, Conception Bay South
Leader: John Maunder
Some species of special interest:
Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)
Fragile Fern (Cystopteris fragilis)
One-flowered Broom-rape (Orobanche uniflora)
Lake Quillwort (Isoëtes lacustris)
Tuckerman’s Quillwort (Isoëtes tuckermanii)
Harvey’s Hybrid Quillwort (Isoëtes ×harveyi)
Bush Honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera)
July 18-19 [two days] [Stay over at Bay Roberts, or Carbonear, or similar.]:
Bay Roberts and General Vicinity.
Leader: John Maunder
Some species of special interest:
July 26 [25] [Note the reverse day-preference because of tide] [full day] [low tide at nearby St. Mary’s is at 10:23 am Sunday July 26 (0.81 m)] [Meet at east side of Colinet Bridge, near Angelica occurrence, at 10:00 am]
Haricot, The Tickles, Collin’s Pond
Leader: John Maunder/Howard Clase
Some species of special interest:
Floating Hearts (Nymphoides cordata) in bloom (Collin’s Pond)
Wild Angelica (Angelica sylvestris) (Colinet Junction)
Virginia Glasswort (Salicornia depressa) (Haricot)
Maritime (= Rich’s) Seablite (Suaeda maritima) (Haricot)
Northern Sandspurry (Spergularia canadensis) (Haricot)
Ditchgrass (Ruppia maritima) (Haricot)
Common Trailing Cinquefoil (Potentilla simplex) (Haricot)
Horned Gentian (Halenia deflexa) (The Tickles)
August 22 [23] [full day]
Whitbourne [option of continuing on to Cataracts Provincial Park, and the Rocky River?]
Leader: John Maunder
Some species of special interest:
Mass blooming of Scottish Heather (Calluna vulgaris) [spectacular]
Black Dogberry (Sorbaronia sp.) in berry
Black Alder, European Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
Water Horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile) massive beds
Whorled Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum verticillatum)
Acadian Quillwort (Isoëtes acadiensis)
Tuckerman’s Quillwort (Isoëtes tuckermanii)
September 5 [6] [full day]
Bristol’s Hope
Leader: Howard Clase/Gene and Karen Herzberg
Species of special interest:
Lesser Water-plantain (Baldellia ranunculoides) [only know North American occurrence!]
September 12 [13] [2 hours]
Mundy Pond, St. John’s
Leader: Glen Ryan
Species of special interest:
Brenda’s Goldenrod (Solidago brendiae)?
September 26 [27] [1/2 day]
Shea Heights (Southside Hills) Communication Towers
Leader: John Maunder
Species of special interest:
Pink Crowberry (Empetrum eamsii), plus the interesting “red-berried variant”
Wednesday, May 6th, 2015, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens, Mt. Scio
Speaker: Judy Blakeley
Topic: Southern Africa (2014) Part 2: Some Fauna and Flora of South Africa
April 1st, (Wednesday), 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanial Gardens
Mt. Scio Road
Topic: "Feast of Flowers of Picos de Europa"
(peaks of Europe)
- range of mountains in Northern Coast of Spain-
with presenter: Pat Hill
In addition to its fabulous flora, The Picos of Europa contain many of the world's deepest caves and support a dwindling group of shepherds who move up from the valleys in the summertime with their sheep, goats, cows. The area is also famed for its piquat blue cheeses.
March Wildflower Meeting
The March Meeting has been rescheduled to March 11
March 11th, 2015, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
We are delighted to have two presentations for this meeting!
While wildflower members Mary and John Bridson recently moved from this province, and now reside in Ottawa, they continue to travel and were able to enjoy a recent holiday in Italy. Mary was kind enough to put together a selection of her images of this trip for us to enjoy!
Mary Bridson - "Walking the Tratturi: Floral Trails in Central Italy".
Roger White has captured "A Different North Atlantic Flora: Flowers of the Azores". (our very first talk on wildflowers of the Azores!)
Please note that there will NOT be a week-long summer field trip for 2015.
We have decided to try a few shorter excursions perhaps on the Avalon.
Further details will be provided near the end of our winter programme.
February 4th, 2015, (Wednesday) 7:30 pm
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: "Flora and Fauna of Colombia"
Wedneday night, December 3rd, 7:30 pm (MUN Botanical Garden)
It is time for our Christmas get-together and end of the year slide show!
We ask members to bring along a treat to share, either sweet or savory, wine,coffee/tea wil be provided.
See you there!
The next wildflower society meeting will be held in conjunction with the Rock Garden Society on
Oct 22, 7:30 pm at the Botanical Garden.
We will have Mike Kintgen of Denver Botanical garden speaking on
The Flora of Patagonia
"We will travel through Patagonia Argentina from the far Southern part of
Santa Cruz in Southern Patagonia through 4 provinces to Mendoza north of
Patagonia. We will visit a wide variety of habitats from semiarid steppe,
montane forest, alpine areas and wet mountain forest similar to parts of
British Columbia. Along the way we will see a spectacular array of wildflowers and scenery."
Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Title: South Africa (2014) Part 1: Flora and Fauna of Botswana
presented by: Judy Blakeley & Helen Jones
Outdoor Program 2014
Please be advised that dates may be changed depending on blooming times.
June 15, ( Sunday)
GEO CENTRE, Signal Hill, led by Glen Ryan, a scenic walk with a great selection of wildflowers, shrubs and berries-(rhodora, chuckley pear)- an easy walk for new members. Meet: parking lot of Geo Centre at 10:00 a.m. Glen can be reached at: a.glenryan@gmail.com or 739-6146.
June 22 (Sunday)
TREE WALK AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE led by Todd Boland. Meet time: 10:00 a.m, parking lot behind Government House. Todd can be reached at: todd.boland@warp.nfld.net or 753-6027.
June 28/June 29 (Saturday or Sunday)
VIRGINIA RIVER WALKING TRAIL- led by John Maunder. Park on side road off Logy Bay, just to the St. John’s side of Logy Bay Road Bridge. Meeting time: 10:00 a.m. John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com or 335-2462.
July 10 (Thursday)
KENNY’S POND- HOLIDAY INN AREA WALK- led by Daphne Gillingham. Meet at 10:30 a.m. at Mini Golf Course Attraction Area. Highlight- yellow iris. Daphne can be reached at: daphnegillingham@nf.sympatico.ca or (h) 726-8385 or cell- 690-7635.
July 6 (Sunday) POSTPONED
SHOE COVE TRAIL, Pouch Cove led by Ed Hayden. Meet at Cape Town Convenience Portugal Cove Highway (left hand side of the road) at 10:00 a.m. Highlight- Ragged robin. Ed can be reached at: edhayden.osprey@gmail.com or (h) 738-0358 or cell- 730-8534.
July 19 (Saturday)
Neary’s Pond Trail, Portugal Cove-St. Phillips, led by Carmel Conway. Meet at 10:00 a.m. end of Neary’s Pond Road (further directions to follow). Scent Bottle orchids, wild parsnip, orange hawkweed a highlight. Carmel can be reached at: abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com or- 722-0121.
July 13 (Sunday)
Water Street/Duckworth Street Walk led by John Maunder. Meet at War Memorial at 10:00 a.m. John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com or 335-2462.
July 15 (Tuesday)
Bidgood’s Trail, Goulds, led by Karen and Gene Herzberg. Highlight- blue flag iris. Meet at Power’s Pond Road at 5:00 p.m. (Map below). Karen can be reached at: karenherzberg@warp.nfld.net or 753-6568. Gene can be researched at: gherzberg@nl.sympatico.ca or 753-6568.
Thursday July 17 6:30 PM
Dactylorhiza majalis (leopard marsh orchid) Nagles Hill Walk led by Charlie Horwood. Drive up Allandale Road (on route to the Admiral's Green Golf Course, but before you get there) and just a little past the overpass on the left, is a turn off parking area and our meeting point. Charlie can be reached at: 579-6983.
July 22, 2014,Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m. (sharp)
Lead by: Ross Traverse and Madeleine Florent
Meet at Traverse Gardens, Byrne's Lane, Torbay. We will walk to Gully Road and then follow the road to Big River/Picco's Brook (same river that runs from Gosse' Pond) and back.
Madeleine can be reached at: madeleine.florent@nf.sympatico.ca or 437-6439.
Ross can be reached at: traversegardens@nl.aibn.com or 437-5539. (out of town until Tuesday)
If the weather is foul, please check with either Madeleine or Ross before heading out . Please bring fly repellant as a precaution.
July 24—July 28 St. Pierre and Miquelon Summer Field Trip 2014
August 6 (Wednesday Regatta Day) POSTPONED
Beaver Pond Trail or Old Petty Harbour Road Trail led by Roger White. Meet time and place to be determined. Roger can be reached at: roger@mun.ca or 753-7904.
August 10 (Sunday) CANCELLED
Mundy Pond Trail, led by Karen and Gene Herzberg. Meet time: 4:00 p.m. Park of beginning of trail- across from Mews Centre. Karen can be reached at: karenherzberg@warp.nfld.net or 753-6568. Gene can be reached at: gherzberg@nf.sympatico.ca or 753-6568.
August 16 (Saturday)
LaManche Park, led by John Maunder: Meet at park day use parking lot by 10:00 a.m. John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com or 335-2462.
Virginia River Walking Trail, led by Glen Ryan. Meeting time: 10:00 a.m. Park on side of road off Logy Bay Road, just to the St. John’s side of Logy Bay Road Bridge. Glen can be reached at: a.glenryan@gmail.com or 739-6146.
August 24 (Sunday)
Water Street/Duckworth Street Walk, led by John Maunder. Meet at 10:00 a.m. at War Memorial. The route of the walk will be largely different from the downtown walk earlier this year. John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com or 335-2462.
September 1 (Labour Day- Monday) CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
Spaniard’s Bay Area- Bristol’s Hope led by John Maunder. Meet at 10:00 a.m. at Spaniards Bay Beach, down the side road (“Cross Road”, nearly opposite the Shearstown Road) along the SE side of the bay, at the base of the big gravel spit that curves back in toward the beach. John can be reached: jem@nl.rogers.com or 335-2462.
Saturday, September 6th, 10:00 a.m.
Wildflower Walk Waterford Valley Trail, & stroll through General Protestant Cemetery
Led by: Glen Ryan & Suzanne Sexty
Meeting place: Start of the Waterford Valley Trail, next to the Dockyard. We will proceed to Symes Bridge. Following this, Suzanne will then lead a walk to the Cemetery, across Waterford Bridge Road, highlighting some very interesting trees, shrubs, and headstones.
Parking: Two Options
1. Railway Station Museum Parking Lot (not certain if they charge ? ) or,
2. FREE Parking at Waterford River side of Southside Road, approaching the dockyard parking as you head north.
Primary species to see: Canada Goldenrod see image at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nfwildflowers/Yi-1y1GhymM
Important note: If the weather is foul, please contact one of the leaders before heading out:
Glen can be reached at a.glenryan@gmail.com or 739-6146. Suzanne can be reached at: ssexty@mun.ca or 579-3311.
Late September
Water Street/Duckworth Street Walk (to be determined)
The Golden Mountains of Central Asia....Alpines of the Tien Shan
On Thursday, May 29 at 7:30 pm, MUN Botanical Garden, we will have a special presentation.
Through collaboration with the NL Rock Garden Society, we are delighted to have Panayoti Kelaidis, director of outreach at the Denver Botanical Garden (he was also the past curator of their alpine collection), give us a talk.
His talk will be “The Golden Mountains of Central Asia....Alpines of the Tien Shan”.
Panayoti has spoken around the world, so it promises to be a great presentation. Please mark the date on your calendar. We hope you can attend.
The 2014 Society Financial Statement is available on the Annual Financial Reports Page
May Wildflower Meeting,
May 7th, 2014 (Wednesday) at 7:30 p.m
MUN Botanical Gardens, Mt. Scio Road
Speaker: Julissa Roncal, Department of Biology MUN
Topic; "For the Love of Palms"
A number of the images shown by Ian Christie in last nights delightful talk can be found in the International Rock Gardener Number 38 The Scottish Rock Garden Club February 2013 which can be found at the following web link
Wednesday April 2nd, 2014
7:30 p.m.
(this meeting will be in conjunction with the Rock Garden Society)
TOPIC: Wildflowers of Scotland
Those who are taking part in this summer’s field trip to St. Pierre and Miquelon might like to read or re-read Howard Clase’s summary of the previous society trip to SPM in 1998. It is in the Fall 1998 Sarracenia, Volume 8 number 2 which can be downloaded from the Sarracenia link on this website.
We Are Finally Going to Hear From Ken Knowles
Wednesday, March 5th, 2014, 2014 at 7:30 p.m
Botanical Garden
Speaker: Ken Knowles
Topic: "Flora and Fauna of Arizona, Utah & Colorado"
Due to weather conditions that quickly came upon us, we have decided to postpone tonight's meeting.
Ken has gladly agreed to reschedule at another time.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:30 p.m
Botanical Garden
Speaker: Ken Knowles
Topic: "Flora and Fauna of Arizona, Utah & Colorado"
The regularly scheduled February meeting has been rescheduled so that members can attend Henry Mann’s lecture at The Rooms about Carnivorous Plants. Details below.
Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 PM at the Rooms.
The pitcher plant isn’t the only carnivorous plant that grows wild in Newfoundland and Labrador. Don’t forget about butterwort, sundew and bladderwort! Join Dr. Henry Mann, Associate Professor in the Environmental Science Unit of Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, as he illuminates the world of meat- eating plants right below our feet. Afterwards, visit the kid-friendly exhibit Gotcha! Carnivorous Plants Chow Down.
Also Join Henry at the Rooms at 2:30 on Thursday, February 6 for
Coffee and Culture
To celebrate the opening of the new exhibit Gotcha! Carnivorous Plants Chow Down, come to a special presentation of the Land and Sea episode Pretty as a Pitcher. Afterwards, Dr. Henry Mann will bring us on an in-depth look at the botanical collection on display in the exhibit on Level 2.for the February Coffee and Culture
Carnivorous Plants Exhibit at the Rooms
Gotcha! Carnivorous Plants Chow Down
November 29, 2013 – June 1, 2014
The Rooms website says it is aimed at kids aged five to nine but will be enjoyed by all ages.
Gene and Karen Herzberg went and enjoyed it so the Rooms’ description seems to be correct.
There are a few photos from the exhibit on the 2014 Photos page.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Wednesday, December 4th, 2013, 7:30 p.m.
Judges for this year's competition: Eva Musseau, Glen Ryan & John Bridson. Compiling of all images for the meeting: John Maunder.
-please bring a small treat (sweet or savory) to share. Wine, tea and coffee will be served-
-see you there!-
Wednesday, November 6th, 7:30 p.m.
Botanical Garden
Speakers: Judith Blakeley & Helen Jones
Topic: "Flora and Fauna of Tanzania"
"Wildflowers of Oman"
presented by: Mario Escobar
Tuesday, October 1st, at 7:30 pm
MUN Botanical Garden
- please note that the time has been changed to Tuesday night for October month only, to accomodate Mario , who returns to Oman the following day-
- reminder -it is renewal of membership time! and we ask member to come a 10-15 minutes before start tie to allow time for registration fees to be paid.
Leader: John Maunder
(The weather is supposed to be good)
Meet in Paradise, along the CBS Highway, heading south (ie. COMING FROM St. John's), at a low "community building" on the left (it had a daycare in it the last time I looked), just before a roadside soccer pitch, that is just before a set of lights, that is just before the very big ACAN Windows building, that is just before Octagon Pond.
A small post office is on the right, more or less across the road, just before the site. The house street number directly across the road from the site is #1588.
The parking signs on the "community building" parking lot are a bit confusing. If in doubt, the shoulder of the highway in front of this property is quite wide and SHOULD be OK to park on (but check for signs).
See you there.
John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com
or call- 335-2462
Where: Bowring Park
When: Sunday, August 25, 2013
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Meet: The Gravel Parking Lot at the West End Entrance to the Park
Leader: Todd Boland
Informal Wildflower Walk at the GEO Centre Trails
Rescheduled from August 14 due to rain
Sunday, August 18th, 2013, at 10:00 a.m.
A scenic walk with a good selection of wildflowers, shrubs and berries, an ideal walk for new members.
Meet at the parking lot closest to the GEO Centre - we will start at the trail to the right of the building and the dog statues.
Leaders: Daphne Gillingham and Dorothy Parker
Note: For more information or in case of inclement weather (no short notice email may be possible)
telephone Daphne 726-8385 or 690-7635 (cell)
email Dorothy: d.parker@nf.sympatico.ca
Informal Wildflower Walk at the GEO Centre Trails
Wednesday, Aug. 14th, 2013 at 10 am
A scenic walk with a good selection of wildflowers, shrubs and berries, an ideal walk for new members.
Meet at the parking lot closest to the GEO Centre - we will start at the trail to the right of the building and the dog statues.
Leaders: Daphne Gillingham and Dorothy Parker
For more information or in case of inclement weather (no short notice email may be possible)
telephone Daphne 726-8385 or 690-7635 (cell)
email Dorothy: d.parker@nf.sympatico.ca
Wednesday, August 7th at 10:00 a.m.
Meeting place: Parking Lot of Fluvarium
Leader: Glen Ryan
-come enjoy a leisurely stroll, you are sure to see a wide variety of flora-
of course, weather permitting!
any questions, Glen can be reached at: a.glenryan@gmail.com
This was cancelled due to rain.
Sunday, August 4th at l0:00 a.m.
Meeting place: Parking Lot of Fluvarium
Leader: Glen Ryan
-come enjoy a leisurely stroll, you are sure to see a wide variety of flora-
any questions, Glen can be reached at: a.glenryan@gmail.com
SUNDAY, July 28th, at l0:00 a.m.
Leader: Mary Bridson
Meeting Place: Meet at end of Neary's Pond Road in Portugal Cove. Follow Portugal Cove Road down the hill past Murray's, turn sharp left as it flattens out, onto Neary's Pond Road, follow to end. There is limited parking at the end of the road, please make sure not to block the house there. There is some public parking about 200m back by pond, across from Western Gully Road (but not private pondside sites).
We will see scent bottle orchids, wild parnsnip and orange hawkweed in abundance, plus a wonderful view of Bell Island and Conception Bay.
Advice: Need wellies to get up close to the orchids (near start of trail), but otherwise good track.
Any questions, Mary can be reached at: mbridson@mun.ca
Informal Wildflower Walk to BIG THREE CORNER POND, Bauline LIne/ Torbay
Tuesday, July 23 at 6:00 (sharp)
Meeting place: Kinsmen Centre/Bauline Line
LEADER: Madeleine Florent
This will be our first walk to Big Three Corner Pond. The walk to the pond will take about 20 minutes.
The Kinsmen Centre is on Bauline Line (on the left not far from where you turn off from Torbay Road, or can access by taking the Torbay By-Pass, turn right on Bauline Line towards Torbay Road- it will be on your right, close to the intersection). We suggest that if you are unfamiliar with the area, leave a bit early to give plenty of time to find.
Any problem finding the start point, Madeleine can be reached at: 437-6439 or cell- 728-5158 or e-mail address:
Carmel at: 722-0121 or abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com
Leaders: Howard and Leila Clase
Date: Wednesday July 17th, 2013, 6:00 p.m.
(if weather is bad, please watch e-mail for cancellation and rescheduled time)
-meet at the circle at the end of Harbourview Avenue (off Torbay Road) , and we will meander down the trail in the direction of the Outer Ring Road
Howard & Leila can be reached: hclase@mun.ca
Saturday, July 6th, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
Leader: Carmel Conway
Meeting Place: Cape Town Convenience, Pouch Cove Highway (on left hand side of highway)
This will be an informal walk to beautiful Shoe Cove Beach. Before you arrive at Cape Town Convenience you will pass Satellite Road and a purple Lions Club Sign (both on the right). After meeting at Cape Town Convenience we will head on to Shoe Cove Road (second turn off, right hand side of the road).
As this path is on a decline and can be rocky, please wear good hiking boots; also path to the beach is uneven and somewhat steep.
-hoping to see Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi-
Any questions Carmel can be reached at: abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com
or 722-0121
The GNP Field Trip is now full and no more participants will be accepted.
The pink lady slippers are in bloom on Mount Scio
Pink Lady Slipper Walk
Wednesday, June 12 , 6 PM Rain or shine
Meet at the parking lot across the street from the MUN Botanical Garden
Leaders: Gene and Karen Herzberg
The GNP Field Trip is now full and no more participants will be accepted.
The agenda for day 4 of the summer field trip to the Northern Peninsula has been revised. There is a copy of the revised day 4 agenda in the downloads area and the full agenda has been updated to include the changes.
Thursday May 30th, 6:00 p.m.
Meet at the first entrance parking lot to the Geo Centre
(easy walk)
Leaders: John Maunder & Heather Saunders
(any questions email John: jem@nl.rogers.com or Heather: c.saunders@nl.rogers.com )
John: 335-2462 - 728-7846(Cell) or Heather: 368-6935
- it would be helpful to bring along Todd Boland's Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador, or Glen Ryan's "Shrubs of Newfoundland"
Hawke Hills Walk- Saturday May 25th at 2:00 pm
Bring a jacket as it can be breezy and cooler there.
Take the TCH west until you get to the Salmonier turnoff, exit 35. Go over the overpass and backtrack east. You will see Hawke Hill with the cell towers as you approach. Go past the turnoff to the Gun Club and the sign that says "Conway Flowers". The turnoff is on the right at the top of the hill, the first right past the Gun Club, and just before a green highway sign that says "St. John's, Holyrood" etc. There is a red stop sign at the intersection. Go slowly or you will miss it. If you go past the Blue Fin entrance, you have gone too far.
Turn right onto the gravel road and proceed to the top of the hill. Judy will meet you at the top.
Please phone or e-mail Judy if you are planning to come.
437 6852 or jblakeley@nl.rogers.com
May 1st, 2013 (Wednesday)
MUN Botanical Garden
7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Todd Boland
Topic: Fauna and Flora of South Eastern Brazil
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Topic: Spring in Patagonia (region at southern end of South America)
Speakers: Mary and John Bridson.
Note that there are two meetings in March
Special Joint Meeting with NatureNL
March 14th, (THURSDAY) 7:30 p.m.
Nature NL is trying to arrange for the gates of Lot 15 to be opened for parking (confirmation of this to be posted prior to meeting)
Speaker: Luise Hermanutz
Luise will be discussing her new book, co-authored with Alain Cuerrier entitled "Our plants, Our Land...plants of Nain & Torngat Mountains Basecamp and Research Station".
Copies of her book available for sale and signing. Cost is $l9.99 ($21.00 with tax) Please bring exact change.
Regular March Meeting
Wednesday, March 6th, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Topic: Flora and Fauna of South Shore/Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
John Maunder will present an overview of our August 2012 Summer Field Trip to Nova's Scotia South Shore and Cape Breton
It will be illustrated by photos taken by members who went on the trip.
February 6th, (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Gardens
Speaker: Luise Hermanutz
Luise will be discussing her new book, co-authored with Alain Cuerrier entitled "Our plants, Our Land...plants of Nain & Torngat Mountains Basecamp and Research Station".
We hope to have copies of her book available for sale and signing. The cost is $l9.99 ($21.00 with tax).
MUN Botanical Garden - Mt. Scio Road
Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
Christmas Social & Member's Photography Slideshow & Winner's of Photography Competition
Please bring a small treat (sweet or savory) to share with others.
Wine, tea or coffee will be provided.
7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
SPEAKER: John Crellin
TOPIC: "Making of a Southern Garden- The Story of Tommie Bass" (a famous Appalachian herbalist).
A reminder that the second part of Todd Boland’s Montana/Wyoming trip will be featured at this weeks Rock Garden Society meeting:
Wednesday, Oct. 24, 7:30 pm at the Garden.
This talk is entitled:
Beartooth Mountains – Dizzying Heights and Alpine Delights.
All are welcome.
Wednesday - October 3rd, 2012
Botanical Gardens
7:30 p.m.
"The Bighorns of Wyoming - Desert Canyons to Alpine Heights
Speaker: Todd Boland
Reminder of Deadline for our 5th Annual Photo Competition 2012 - October 15th, 2012
Rules of Competition are available for reference on our website: www.wildflowersocietynl.ca
-we hope that all walks will go ahead as scheduled-
* Asterisk-marked are walks for which confirmation of attendance is required
- we hope to send out a reminder of these walks or changes, however, if uncertain about a walk, it would be wise to make contact with the designated leader.
Completed walks have been moved to the bottom of the list.
Because of the early blooming of the trees and shrubs, the date of the
This Thursday
May 24th, l0:30 a.m.
Meet at the first entrance parking lot to the Geo Centre
(easy walk)
Leaders: Daphne Gillingham & Heather Saunders
any questions email Daphne: daphnegillingham@nf.sympatico.ca or Heather: c.saunders@nl.rogers.com
Daphne: 726-8385 or Heather: 368-6935 Cell: 685-1948
- it would be helpful to bring along Todd Boland's Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador, or Glen Ryan's "Shrubs of Newfoundland"
The date of the Hawke Hills Walk has been changed to Tuesday May 22, 2012, from 2-4 pm.
Judy checked out the area Sunday, May 20, and some of the key species are in full flower (see pics).

Diapensia laponica

Kalmia procumbens or Loiseleuria procumbia
Tuesday promises to be a lovely warm day so we hope it won't be too windy for photography. Bring a jacket as it can be breezy and cooler there.
For anyone who does not know how to get there, here are the directions:
Take the TCH west until you get to the Salmonier turnoff, exit 35. Go over the overpass and backtrack east. You will see Hawke Hill with the cell towers as you approach. Go past the turnoff to the Gun Club and the sign that says "Conway Flowers". The turnoff is on the right at the top of the hill, the first right past the Gun Club, and just before a green highway sign that says "St. John's, Holyrood" etc. There is a red stop sign at the intersection. Go slowly or you will miss it. If you go past the Blue Fin entrance, you have gone too far.
Turn right onto the gravel road and proceed to the top of the hill. I will meet you at the top.
Please let Judy know ASAP by email of phone if you are planning on coming.
Judy (Blakeley)
437 6852
*MAY 28 (Monday) - HAWKE HILLS - Judith Blakeley will lead an informal wildflower photography shoot. Meeting time and place: l0 a.m. (top of Hawke Hills). This will be an opportunity to photograph Diapensia and Loiseleuria/clubmosses. The area will be checked in advance to make certain Diapensia is in flower. Notice of change in date will be posted if necessary. Note: Any member interested in attending MUST contact Judy in advance. Members might like to refer to Helen Jones/Judy Blakeley’s article published in Sarracenia 209 (l6) 2, l8. All members are welcome, even those who don’t take pictures, for it’s a great opportunity to look around and roam! Contact Judy at: jblakeley@nl.rogers.com or call 437-6852. Please note - Executive members are of the expert opinion that these flowers may well be blooming or about to bloom now; please be prepared to go at short notice (watch for email on Tuesday).
JUNE 7(Thursday) GEO CENTRE -/ BILL TITFORD MEMORIAL WALK. Daphne Gillingham & Heather Saunders will lead an informal wildflower walk along the GEO Centre. Meeting time and place: GEO Centre parking lot at l0:30 a.m. This area has a remarkable selection of early flowering trees and shrubs. Contact Daphne at: daphnegillingham@nf.sympatico.ca or call 726-8385.
Heather's Cell# 685-1948. Glen Ryan’s “Shrubs of Newfoundland” might come in handy.
Please Note: The flowering trees and shrubs may be about to bloom earlier than June 7 - so be prepared to go earlier - watch for further notice re earlier "walk".
JUNE 13 (Wednesday) - BIDGOOD’S PARK WALKING TRAIL-Karen and Gene Herzberg will be leading this walk. Meeting time and place: Power’s Road in the Goulds at 5:30 p.m. To get to Powers Road, take the Ruby Line to the Back Line to Powers Road.A map of the meeting place is shown below. Any questions, Karen can be reached at: karenherzberg@warp.nfld.net or call 753-6865. Karen’s cell: 727-5906, in case you get lost. Please leave early as this is a new starting point for most people.

Saturday, June 30, l0 a.m.
(in conjunction with Torbay Environment & Trails Committee)
Meeting place: Kinsmen Centre/Bauline Line
Leader: Madeleine Florent
The Kinsmen Centre is on Bauline Line (on the left not far from where you turn off from Torbay Road, or can access by taking the Torbay By-Pass, turn right on Bauline Line towards Torbay Road- it will be on your right, close to the intersection). We will be carpooling depending on the number of members who attend, as the entrance is on private property and there is not much room to park vehicles. We suggest that if you are unfamiliar with the area, leave a bit early to give plenty of time to find.
While the water level is presently low, boots are required.
Robbie Hicks (with Torbay Environment & Trails Comittee) has suggested bringing a lunch, and has invited us back to her home to eat it, and will be supplying refreshments and dessert! (Robbie is on Whitty's Lane- about one kilometre north of Bauline Line, so not far from Kinsmen Centre.
Any problem finding the start point, Madeleine can be reached at: 437-6439 or Luise Hermanutz at cell: 765-5657. This walk will be cancelled only if weather is extremely foul and so far looks good!
Finally, if you are interested in attending, please e-mail Carmel at abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com or call- 722-0121, as Madeleine would like approximate number attending.
Change of Date
Monday, July 2nd at l0:00 a.m. (originally scheduled for July 1st at 9:00)
Leader: Carmel Conway
Meeting place: Cape Town Convenience, Pouch Cove Highway (left hand side of road).
This is an informal walk to photograph some beach plants. The walk from your car (parked on Shoe Cove Road) down to the beach is about l5 minutes, but the trail is on a decline with a few spots with loose rocks, so please wear good grip hiking boots. It is a beautiful spot, so consider bringing your lunch and have a picnic.
Drive down the Pouch Cove Highway, you will pass Satellite Road,with the Purple Lions Club sign on the right, continue on a little further and on the left there is a convenience store, Cape Town Convenience. We will meet at l0.a.m.
For any members that arrive late, continue on to Shoe Cove Road, second turn-off on the right. Park at the end of the road, which is a dead end- you will notice a dome-shaped home on the right, the trail begins there. While walking the trail stay on the right and continue down to the beach.
Any questions Carmel can be reached at: abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com
or (h) 722-0121.
JULY 8 (Sunday) - GALLOWS COVE/TORBAY –Glen Ryan will lead an informal walk along Gallows Cove Hiking Trail. Meeting time and place: Park on the right hand side of Gallows Cove Road at end of Road, meeting time at l0:00 a.m. Please tuck your car in as far as possible to make room for turn around and exiting traffic. Any questions for Glen: a.glenryan@gmail.com or call: 739-6146.
Note that the time for the July 15 walk to see the Leopard Marsh Orchid has been changed to 10:00 and the meeting place has been changed to the Overflow Parking Lot across from the entrance to the MUN Botanical Gardens.
JULY 15 (Sunday) - PIPPY PARK- Carmel Conway is willing to take members up to see the Leopard Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis). Meeting time: Overload parking area, Pippy Park at 9:00 a.m. Time might change if flowering is earlier. Carmel can be reached at: abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com or call: 722-0121.
MID-JULY Neil’s Pond Paradise/or Bog Orchid, Pouch Cove. Leader: John Maunder. Details of this walk will be posted closer to mid-July and depend on this year’s flowering season. John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com or call: 335-2462.
*JULY 22 (Sunday) – SOLDIERS POND ORCHID BOG- Todd Boland will be leading this walk. Meet at the transmission line at l0 a.m. west of the Foxtrap Weigh Scales- beginning of the Little Soldiers Pond pole line. Some highlights will be white-fringed orchid, scent-bottle orchid, ragged-fringed orchid, Andrew’s orchid, Rose Pogonia, Dwarf huckleberry, Newfoundland birch, and sundew. Note: Any member attending MUST contact Todd in advance. Todd can be reached at todd.boland@warp.nfld.net or call: 753-6027.
(in conjunction with Torbay Environment & Trails Committee)
July 25th, 2012 Wednesday at l0:00 am
Meeting place: Kinsmen Centre/Bauline Line
Leader: John Maunder
The Kinsmen Centre is on Bauline Line (on the left not far from where =
you turn off from Torbay Road, or can access by taking the Torbay =
By-Pass, turn right on Bauline Line towards Torbay Road- it will be on =
your right, close to the intersection). We will be carpooling depending =
on the number of members who attend, as the entrance is on private =
property and there is not much room to park vehicles. We suggest that if =
you are unfamiliar with the area, leave a bit early to give plenty of =
time to find.
Boots are required.
If you plan to attend, please e-mail John in advance.
Any questions-John can be reached at: jem@nl.rogers.com
or phone - 335-2462
July 29 (Sunday) WILDFLOWER WALK- BRIGUS SOUTH (Southern Shore)
(do not confuse with Brigus, Conception Bay!)
SUNDAY, JULY 29th, l0:00 am
Leaders: Elke & John Molgaard
John and Elke will be leading an informal walk at Brigus South- this will be an exploration of headland and harbour, short portion of East Coast Trail, possibly nearby quarries and bogs (bring boots).
Directions: Head south on Highway l0, through Tors Cove and past LaManche Provincial Park. The turn off left to Brigus South is clearly signposted, about 2 km, before Cape Broyle welcome sign. 63 km from downtown St. John's, about 1 hr. driving.
Meet at "car park" at end of road (as far as you can drive) on the east ocean side of the harbour (not the "government wharf" side, where the fishing boats are).
If you expect to attend, please phone Elke and John beforehand, or to cancel.
Until Friday July 27, 9 a.m.: 726-0719 (home) or elkemolgaard@hotmail.com.
After that: 687-5219 (cell) at our cabin (but no e-mail!!!) Should weather be foul, check through this number, but weather up on the Southern Shore can be different, from St. John's weather, sometimes better.
AUGUST 6-11 Coastal Plains Flora Excursion –in conjunction with the Nova Scotia Wild Flora and Fauna Society. Leader- Charles Cron.
August 13-15 Botanizing Cape Breton- in conjunction with the Nova Scotia Wild Flora and Fauna Society. Leader- Carl Munden
The Mushroom Walk Scheduled for August 30 has been Cancelled.
As we have delighted in an incredibly warm and sunny summer, the downside is that there has not been much rain, and there is presently a scarcity of mushrooms. John Bridon has checked a couple of known mushroom hot-spots and notes they are so- far scarce. John has suggested we wait until perhaps mid-September to see if there is any improvement. A notice will be posted if/when the walk is reschedulde.
AUGUST 30 (Thursday) - WINDSOR LAKE AREA MUSHROOM WALK – Pat Hill will lead an informal walk around the Windsor Lake/Newfoundland Pond Area. There might be a change in time depending on our mushroom season. Meeting time and Place- 10 a.m. Park along the Portugal Cove Road along Windsor Lake. There is a pull off point where the old Portugal Cove Road used to run. Pat can be reached at 579-1289 or e-mail: pah22@hotmail.com
The Rock Garden Society Lecture scheduled for September 12 has been cancelled. With the impending hurricane due to hit here Tuesday-Wednesday, our guest speaker has cancelled.
Rock Garden Society Lecture Wednesday, September 12
The Newfoundland Rock Garden Society is delighted to announce that on Wednesday, Sept. 12, Nick Turland will be a guest speaker at the Botanical Garden, 7:30 pm. Nick is originally from the UK but is now working at the Missouri Botanical Garden. His presentation will be “The Alpines of the Austrian Alps”. Members of the Wildflower Society are invited to attend this talk.
Mushroom Walk
John says there are loads of mushrooms out now. John will be leading the walk in the woods at the start of the ski trail on Thorburn road. To get to it, drive out of town on the Thorburn road, under the Trans-Canada (ring road), past Whelan's convenience store on the right, and
at a noticeable left curve, park on the right side of the road on a large gravel area. This is sometimes known locally as Watson's Turn. If you see lake on the right hand side of the road, you have driven too far!
Depending on weather the paths could be flooded, and I will not go if there is heavy rain on the day, so it is important that anyone intending to join me either phones (895 2425) or emails jbridson@mun.ca - preferably on Friday or Saturday.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
2:00 p.m.
LEADER: Ross Traverse
Meeting Place: Parking Lot of Government House.
Enjoy a relaxing stroll around the grounds of Government House with Ross
later in the evening, we will celebrate a fabulous wildflower season with a meal at- VELMA'S RESTAURANT
264 Water Street
start time: 6:00 p.m.
Velma's is an informal, inexpensive restaurant, specializing in NL cuisine. Velma will pull several tables together depending on our group size. So, I would greatly appreciate it if members could let me know if they plan to attend.
E-mail- Carmel at abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com or call 722-0121
Preliminary Details of Summer Field Trip to Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Field Trips - 2012
Bare-bones preliminary agendas, distilled from e-mails from Charles Cron and Carl Munden
[NOTE: Do not leave making reservations too long! It will be "high season" in Nova Scotia!]
Basic Dates:
MAIN Western Nova Scotia "Coastal Plain Flora" Trip - Leader: Charles Cron
Meet at Bridgewater, or nearby [details later], for supper on August 6.
August 7 - Ponhook, Molega, Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute (MTRI), to Bridgewater.
August 8 - Indian Fields, Roseway River, Pearl Lake, via routes 103 and 203 to Yarmouth
August 9-10 - Glenwood Provincial Park, Tusket River, Maple Island, Wilson's Lake (2 sites), Gilfillan Lake, Great Pubnico Lake, to Yarmouth (may be minor adjustments here)
August 11 - Barrington area, Swaine's Bog, Port La Tour, Baccaro, to Liverpool
Finish, at Liverpool, on evening of August 11.
DRIVING DAY, to Cape Breton area, August 12 ... if doing the Cape Breton trip [optional stop (on own initiative) at Bernard Jackson's beautiful rock gardens at the N.S. Agricultural College in Bible Hill].
EXCELLENT BONUS Cape Breton Trip - Leader: Carl Munden
Meet at Tourism Bureau at the east end of the Canso Causeway, Cape Breton, early on August 13.
August 13 - west side of Lake Ainslie (stopping at Nova Scotia's only calcareous fen), Scotsville, Southwest Margaree, Margaree Forks, the Harbour/Belle Cote, Cheticamp, Grand Falaise, "Bog Exhibit", to Pleasant Bay [after supper, nearby Red River area and Buddhist Abbey]
August 14 - Grande Anse floodplain, Macintosh Brook, Lone Sheiling, Beulach Ban Falls, Meat Cove, to Bay St. Lawrence [or nearby]
August 15 - Cape North village, Dingwall Beach, Dingwall gypsum quarries, Effie's Brook to White Point, Neil's Harbour via back road, Jack Pine Trail, Cape Smokey Look-off, to North Sydney [or wherever]
Finish, near St. Ann's, afternoon of August 15.
August 6-7 - Bridgewater area.
August 8-10 - Yarmouth area.
August 11 - Liverpool area.
August 12 - vicinity of Canso Causeway.
August 13 - Pleasant Bay, Cape Breton [book online ASAP - note: the fairly large Mountainview Motel http://www.themountainview.com/ (specifically) doesn't actually open until May ... but, you CAN also leave a phone message, though you may not get an instant reply]. See also: Mid-trail Motel and Inn http://www.midtrail.com/
August 14 - Bay St. Lawrence or vicinity [the motel (all efficiency units) at Bay St. Lawrence http://www.burtonsoasismotel.ca/ has limited space - BOOK NOW to get a spot, otherwise book accommodation within easy driving distance] [NOTE: This establishment's "cancellation policy" (always check such things!), for people reserving NOW, because it is so early, is 30 days[!], but, if people re-confirm in early summer (ie. at least 30 days ahead of time), this number will come down to 2-3 days.]
August 15 - eastern Cape Breton
The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society has two field guides to the coastal plain plants on their website, one from 2005 and a newer one from 2011. There are links to these guides on the downloads page. If you are unsure about whether or not to go on this field trip, I encourage you to download these files to see what plants we might see.
Summer Field Trip 2011
This year’s field trip will explore the Terra Nova National Park and the Bonavista area from July 31-August 5.
You can download a copy of the agenda for this summer’s Field Trip on the Downloads page.
Information about the Summer Field Trip From John Maunder
This past week, driving back from [Limestone Barrens Species at Risk Recovery Team] meetings on the Port au Port Peninsula, I took some time to size up the "after the hurricane" state of affairs in Terra Nova National Park, and on the Bonavista Peninsula.
The GOOD NEWS is that there should be no problem going ahead with the Summer Field Trip, as scheduled! ... All of the roads, and most of the trails, are more-or-less navigable again, and there are LOTS of great plants left to look at.
The bad news is that the region really did get HAMMERED!
In Terra Nova National Park, the staff have really been working their tails off. Right after the hurricane, ALL of the Park trails were closed. Now, only a few remain impassible.
Unfortunately, one of the impassible trails is the SW Brook Trail, which I had considered to be a "star destinaton" for the Summer Trip ... What a mess ... ALL of the boardwalks and small bridges formerly traversing the brook and saltmarsh area are now scattered about well downstream from their original locations - being either beached along the shore or moored in shallow water ... In the wooded areas of the trail the trees look like elements of a gigantic "pick-up-sticks" game! I'm told that this trail will not likely be back in operation this year.
The Malady Head area is still being cleaned up, but the campground and trails will probably be opened soon ... however, it will be years before all of the flattened trees re-grow! The excellent Sandy Pond Trail should be back in action within a couple of weeks, although right now parts of it are still full of big boggy holes! The Platters Beach shore trail into the Park, beginning at Charlottetown, is still closed, and may not be re-opened for a while. Along Newman Sound, and in other steep or waterside terrain, there have been various washouts, slumps and landslides, but nothing TOO serious. Huge numbers of fallen trees are still being cleaned up.
However, all in all, the Park has recovered remarkably.
On the Bonavista Peninsula, the visible damage is MUCH more spectacular!
Patched-up sections of highway are STILL not re-paved. Many river beds and roadside ditches or margins are either gouged out "down to bedrock", or filled in with great stretches of rock rubble. Trees are knocked down all over the place. At the Trinity highway junction, the downed trees along the river bank look to have been the victims of a bomb explosion ... such was the force of water exiting the large highway culvert just above! The whole center of Trouty [the place where the armed forces built an emergency bridge] has been rebuilt from scratch, using a whole lot of large boulders and gravel, along with a huge new highway culvert. It's all pretty amazing!
However, all in all, like at Terra Nova National Park, the Peninsula has recovered remarkably.
To this end, I am working hard on an updated, more detailed, field trip agenda. I will send it out within a week or two.
Stay tuned.
Outdoor Program 2011
CANCELLED: Note that the outing to the Hawke Hills has been cancelled because the Diapensia are not yet in flower.
It may be rescheduled at a later date.
MAY 23 (Monday): Hawke Hills: Diapensia, Loiseleuria
and Clubmosses Meeting time & place: Top of Hawke
Hills at 2 p.m. Helen Jones and Judith Blakeley are inviting
members to join then in a photography shoot. This
will not be a formal wildflower walk. The area will be
checked in advance to make certain Diapensia is in
bloom, so please watch your e-mail in case of cancellation.
Members might like to refer to Helen’ s article published
in Sarracenia 2008 (l6) 2, 18. Of course all members
are welcome, even those who don’t take pictures,
for it’s a great opportunity to look around and learn. Contact
Judith at jblakeley@nl.rogers.com or Helen at helenjones@
nl.rogers.com (437-6852).
JUNE 20 (Monday): Kent’s Pond: Lunchtime Wildflower
Walk around Kent’s Pond- Bill Titford Memorial Walk
Meeting time & place: Bottom of Dublin Road, off Higgins’s
Line at 12 noon SHARP! Luise Hermanutz will
be leading a fast-paced walk with the intent of travelling
around the entire pond in quick observation. As Luise
will be returning to work, members are encouraged to
continue botanizing and photographing. Contact Luise
at lhermanu@mun.ca (864-7919).
June 26 (Sunday): Ocean Pond: Heather Saunders
has invited members to explore some of her favourite
wildflower spots at Ocean Pond. This is not a formal
wildflower walk. Heather hopes Lady’s Slipper will be in
bloom. Meeting time & place: Starting time 2 p.m.
(place to be determined). Contact Heather Saunders at
c.saunders@nl.rogers.com or 368-6935 (cell 685-1948).
The Orchid bog walk scheduled for for July 10 has been cancelled
July 10 (Sunday): Seal Cove Orchid Bog: White
fringed Orchid, Arethusa, Calopogon, Rose Pogonia.
Bladderwort, Sundew: Todd Boland is returning to see
changes in this quickly developing area. Meeting time &
place: 10 a.m. SHARP! Meet at the Foxtrap pole line
(the pole line that crosses the TCH just west of the
Foxtrap weigh scales). Contact Todd at
todd.boland@warp.nfld.net (753-6027).
July 17 (Sunday): Fern Walk in Conception Bay
South: Beautiful garden of Madeline Norris.
Meeting time & place: 6 p.m. 69 LeDrew’s Road, Kelligrews,
a 15 to 20 minute drive from town. Take the first
left past LeDrew’s Lumber on the CBS Highway with a
weeping birch on the corner of driveway. Madeline has
over 30 varieties of fern. (or use Google Map) Contact
Madeline at madeline@nl.rogers.com (834-6700.)
July 31-August 6 Wildflower Excursion – Terra Nova
Park and Bonavista Area: Leader- John Maunder. (Itinerary
coming soon).
August 14 (Sunday): Mushroom Hunt along
Newfound Pond/Windsor Lake Area: Pat Hill and
Carmel Conway have discovered a variety of
mushrooms in this area and are eager to explore further.
Meeting time & place: 2 p.m. Park along Portugal Cove
Road on the Windsor Lake side, close to the intersection
of Airport Heights Drive . There is a section to pull off -
remnants of the old Portugal Cove Highway close to the
pumping station. Contact Carmel at
abcrhynd@nl.rogers.com (722-0121) or Pat at
pat200@hotmail.com (579-1289).
Mid-to- late August Mushroom Walk in Oliver’s Pond,
Portugal Cove: time & place to be determined. John
Bridson will be keeping a keen eye on the ‘bleeding’
mushroom, Hyndellum peckii, which is located in woods
in the Oliver’s Pond to Thorburn Road area (in addition
to other mushrooms). John won first place in the mushroom/
lichen/algae category of our Photography Competition
for his spectacular image of an oozing bleeding
mushroom (see p. 6). Contact John at jbridson@mun.ca
Indoor Program Winter 2011
MUN Botanical Garden,
Wednesday, May 4th, 2011
7:30 p.m.
Speaker: Ross Traverse will share with us images of his recent visit to Japan - "Flowers of Japan".
Ross's visit was just prior to the earthquake and tsunami.
April 6th, 2011 (Wednesday night)
7:30 Mun Botanical Gardens
SPEAKER: Bodil Larsen
"A Glimpse of the Alpine Flora of Yunnan, China"
followed by
Winners of the Winter Photography Competition, as judged by Helen Jones, Ken Knowles, & Lydia Snellen. Presentation organized by John Maunder
March 2 - 7: 30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Speaker: Todd Boland will show "Flora and Fauna of Cape Province, South Africa".
February 2nd, (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Speaker GLEN RYAN, will be giving a talk on "Native Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador".
* due to time constraint, we ask members not to bring any trees or shrub samples.
Indoor Program Fall 2010
7:30 p.m December 1st, 2010
Mun Botanical Gardens
Nature photographer and wildflower member Lydia Snellen willl be presenting a slide show entitled "Three Seasons".
-i n t e r m i s s i o n-
At this time we will celebrate the beginning of the Christmas Season and end of another very sucessful wildlfower year with some cheer.
We would kindly ask members to bring along a small treat to share (i.e. cookie, some cake, appetizer..) Wine, tea, and coffee will be served.
-followed by-
Member's End -of-the Season Photographs.
(Images compiled by John Maunder).
In celebration of l00 years of the Natural History Society and in conjunction with the Rooms, John Maunder will be giving a talk entitled "They are Shocking Fierce and Dangerous Entirely: a Natural History of the Newfoundland Wolf".
The talk begins at 7 pm November 3rd, at the Rooms.
As so many of our members are interested in attending John's talk, and so many Natural History members are interested in attending Helen and Judy's presentation, we have changed our meeting from November 3rd to Wednesday night, November 10th, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Wednesday night NOVEMBER 10th
7:30 pm MUN Botanical Garden
"Flora and Fauna of Trinidad and Tobago"
Helen Jones and Judith Blakeley will share images of a recent visit to Trinidad and Tobago
- a must see for the birders in our group-
October 6th, Wednesday night, 7:30 p.m.
MUN Botanical Garden
Mary and John Bridson will share with us their photos
Flowers of Basilicata, the "sole" of Italy.
Labour Day Downtown Walk. Monday 6th September 10 - 12 a.m.
Meet outside the old Museum (bottom of Cathedral Street) at 10.00 a.m
for a walk around the old streets to see if we can add to the 140+
species already found downtown, at least one of which is not known from
anywhere else in the Province. Leaders John Maunder and the Clases.
Wild Flower Society
Wednesday Evening Walk August 18
Postponed due to weather until August 25th, same time, same place.
Meet at 6.00 p.m. at the top end of the parking lot of the little strip that includes ICI Paints on Torbay Rd. This is the last group of businesses on the right hand side of Torbay Rd. just before the intersection with the Outer Ring Road as you leave town. (N.B. NOT The Paint Shop, this is on the other side of the road and a bit lower down.)
We will first have a look inside the Cloverleaf (may be wet, bring waterproof footwear), John has found some interesting plants there that may have fallen off passing cars. Then we will go on to the Old Airport to see what might have fallen off passing planes. Leader: John Maunder.
Howard Clase (Cell 727-6410 will be on on Wednesday evening)
Regatta Day Field Trip 2010. Wednesday August 4th
All day trip to Harricott and area.
Whenever Regatta day happens, and the forecast looks good for Aug 4th at present.
Meet by 09.30 a.m.at the commuters' parking area at the TCH/Salmonier Line intersection (This is on the south side of the intersection, if coming from St John's turn off the TCH at the intersection, turn left onto Salmonier Line, and cross over the overpass.)
Low tide is around 09.15 and high around 15.30, so the tide will just be coming up when we reach the shore. We'll start at the Harricott River estuary, move on to the lagoons in the community and then try the trail out to Tickle Point. This will be muddy (bring appropriate footware) and we may not make it out to the end, depending upon how much ATV damage there is to the trail. If we do it's about 3 km each way.
If we cannot make it all the way and there is time there are several other interesting sites in the general area.
There is not much in the way of eating establishments in the area so bring your own food.
We'll have our cell phone switched on in case anyone needs to find us: 727-6410 (Assuming there's coverage in the area.)
Botanical highlights: Many of our shore and salt-marsh plants. Checking to see if Potentilla simplex has recovered from the winter storm that re-arranged the estuary a couple of winters ago.
Howard & Leila
August 18, Wednesday, 6-8 p.m. Old airport and environs.
September, 1, Wednesday 6-8 p.m. Neil’s Pond Paradise.
September 12, Sunday, 10-12 a.m. Water and Duckworth Streets
September 25 or 26, Nagles Hill revisited for crowberries.
Wednesday May 19 6:00 PM Three Pond Barrens to see the purple crowberry and the “other” black one, the hermaphroditic crowberry. Place: the top end of Allandale Rd. Drive up across the TCH, past the golf course entrance (not into it!) until the paving runs out. There will be some wet spots (not very deep), so bring suitable footwear.
Summer Field Trip
This year’s field trip will explore the Burin Peninsula from July 19-23.
You can download a copy of the agenda for the Burin Field Trip on the Downloads page.
John Maunder Sent a reminder that links to the Society’s previous website are still active and two of them are relevant to our trip this summer to the Burin.
The first link is to an article by Howard Clase Botanising the Burin 1998. John says that in this article “Grouse Point” should be “Crouse Point” and that we will be returning there this summer.
The second link is to a second article by Howard chronicling the visit to St. Pierre and Miquelon earlier on the same trip in 1998.